
President Tang Tao's new year message to all staff and students

Published on 30 December 2022

Colleagues and students,

The New Year is almost here. As we look forward to the warm spring, we also look forward to a season of hope, of joy and achievements.

After living with Covid-19 for three years, we know that constant change is part of life. Over the past year, we have overcome one challenge after another. Teachers are also in an endless struggle with the virus. Often, they have to plan and deliver online teaching at short notice. Often, their research work was disrupted, with constant adjustments to be made. Students, too, must live with the many inconveniences of Covid, seriously affecting their external exams and internships. But through it all, we have worked together as a team, to keep the disruptions to a minimum.

But Covid-19 didn’t stop us from building our Second Phase Campus. It was wonderful to see smiling undergraduate and postgraduate students moving into the new beautiful halls. I also have other good news to share with you. Over the past year, two of our undergraduate programmes have been granted status as the nation’s top-tier undergraduate disciplines. One of our research labs has been recently granted Provincial Key Research Laboratory. We made history as this is the first Provincial Key Lab in local universities. Our educational hardware and software are therefore on their way to the next level. Our main focus is always the nurturing of talents, UIC being an important part of the Greater Bay initiative. We are known for our broad-based liberal arts education, and cross-disciplinary innovation is part of our brand. Our aim is to turn out graduates who love life-long learning, and capable of adapting to change, to be ready at the forefront of society.

With the pandemic still hanging over us, returning to the normal won’t be easy. So, I ask that each of you take extra care in protecting your own health and that of people near and dear to you. Despite the disruptions, I hope our students will always put their studies first. After all, you can’t serve your community and country well unless you have enhanced skills.

In the past year, all our staff, academic and administrative, have gone above and beyond the call of duty in coping with many Covid-related challenges. UIC owes you a debt of gratitude. I hope you will continue to show the same spirit and dedication going into the next year.

Finally, with all my heart, let me wish you all a happy and healthy 2023.

Tang Tao

UIC President

Updated on 9 January 2023