
Guides on UIC’s Faculties and Schools: Things you should know about FBM

Published on 24 April 2023

Which Faculty or School should you choose when applying to study at UIC? What are the characteristics and advantages of the Faculties and Schools? A series of guides on UIC's Faculties and Schools are launched to better introduce them to our audience.

The deans of the Faculties and Schools and the heads of departments are invited to share their insights and foresight on academic constructions and student cultivation. The first of this series is about the Faculty of Business and Management (FBM).

Introduction from Dean

Prof Li Wenbin

Dean of Faculty of Business and Management

Chair Professor

Overseas Professor in Evaluation Centre, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

FBM offers comprehensive education in accounting, finance, economics, management and more. It guides students to apply their expertise to the world of business practically through an international curriculum and interactive teaching methods.

By attending group work, internships, business competitions and more, FBM's students can learn to meet practical needs in the real world, and they are well-recognised by world-renowned universities and large corporations.

The programmes of FBM are well-recognised at the provincial, national and global stages. For example, its e-Business and Information Systems Programme has been selected as the provincial first class in Guangdong, the Accounting Programme is acknowledged by authorised international institutes, and its teaching and research cases have been chosen as national examples.

Dr Donna Chan

Associate Dean of FBM

Dr Lin Mi

Assistant Dean of FBM

Dr Darren Weng

Assistant Dean of FBM

Introduction from Department Heads

Dr Liu Andong

Head of Department of Accounting

Dr Liu believed that the interdisciplinary development of accounting is the future trend. Dr Liu said UIC's new academic structure could effectively combine the learning resources and more accounting students are taking courses in computer and data science to broaden their knowledge.

He said that the department's faculty have extensive experience working and teaching abroad, enabling them to lead students to apply knowledge into practice.

Dr Liu always responds to students quickly, for he thinks an educator should care for students and guide them in the right direction.

Dr Wu Minyu

Head of Department of Finance and Economics

In Dr Wu's opinion, the knowledge of both finance and applied economics are very closely related, and the department has combined the two subjects, creating a more comprehensive training environment.

He said that the department would move in the direction of digitalisation with new courses to catch up with the social trend, such as digital economy, financial technology etc., to enhance students' competence in the job market.

The department concerns about students’ career development, and its teachers often provide professional advice to their students. Dr Wu said that he hoped the students could get a whole picture of the industry and discover their own paths.

Dr Keng Hong Ng

Head of Department of Management

Enhancing the communication among different subjects, teachers and students can provide various angles when tackling a business case, Dr Ng said.

Additionally, by participating in multiple business competitions and internships, students of the department are able to jump out of their comfort zone and apply their knowledge into practice.

Dr Ng said teachers would strictly train students' professional skills to be practice-oriented and conduct scientific research together. In their leisure time, they will also befriend students and do sports with them.

Students development

In the past three years, about 75% of FBM's undergraduates have chosen to pursue further studies, and more than 80% of them have entered the QS top 100 universities. Most of them have been employed by Fortune 500 companies and well-known institutes.

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FBM continues to improve the level of teaching and research, promote cooperation with key parties to enhance the learning experience of students and build a leading domestic and internationally renowned business faculty.


Reporter: Cecilia Yu

Photos provided by the interviewees

Editor: Deen He

Updated on 24 April 2023