UIC Open Day on 2 May 2024 welcomed over 4,000 visitors nationwide to its campus and generated over 70,000 views on live streaming media.

UIC senior management met the potential students and their parents to address various questions. President Prof Chen Zhi and deans of the faculties and schools introduced UIC's development, educational philosophy and future prospects.

Prof Chen Zhi said that UIC has been widely recognised for its liberal arts education and has nurtured nearly 20,000 outstanding talents. Regarding the future plan, he said that UIC will pay attention to social and technological innovations, develop cross-disciplinary subjects, and focus on cultivating students' professional abilities and qualities comprehensively.

Teachers of the Faculty of Business and Management, the School of Culture and Creativity, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the School of General Education offered nearly 40 lectures for visitors to experience UIC's classes. Facilities including the Learning Resouces Centre, Cultural Creativity Clusters, Math Lab and more were open for tour as well.

Activities like presentations of Chinese archery and Guqin, dragon dance and lion dance show, the UIC Capping / Hair Pinning Ceremony, exhibitions of student schoolwork and interest clubs, current student sharing and more, were organised for the visitors, displaying UIC's liberal arts atmosphere.

This year, UIC will enrol students in 28 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country and increase the percentage of programme transfer applications. Additionally, it has developed the "4+1" policy for continuous undergraduate and postgraduate studies at UIC, which provides diversified choices for students' development.

In addition to its own faculties and schools, UIC also invited Beijing Normal University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Wuhan University, Xi'An Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Shandong University and others to the Open Day to offer advice to visitors.

Reporter: Cecilia Yu
Photographer: Season Li
Video: Li Bohan
Editor: Deen He