
Active Campus project leading to a vibrant community

Published on 12 March 2020

UIC’s Whole Person Education philosophy focuses on the improvement of students’ overall wellbeing and physical health as the foundation for the development of all dimensions.

In keeping with the trend of international physical education, UIC has been developing its sports research, sports culture activities and student teams to achieve an “Active Campus”, which is to help students form healthy habits and to improve their physical fitness.



Making sports a lifestyle choice

The Huitong Sports Park next to UIC will open soon, giving staff and students a new outdoor athletic facility in addition to the existing comprehensive Sports Complex.


 UIC Sports Complex


Huitong Sports Park

One of the objectives of establishing a physically active community is to help UIC students build a healthy lifestyle. UIC plans to add a physical education course as well as launch a free elective course on active lifestyle and more seasonal programmes. In addition to revising the curriculum, UIC will also promote measures to stimulate students’ enthusiasm to exercise autonomously every day by fostering sports captains, organising interest club activities and setting up scholarships.


UIC is also working with Hong Kong Baptist University to initiate a sports and health laboratory, which will aid students to learn scientific fitness methods in combination with health management and preventive medicine.

Chinese and Western sports cultures at UIC

UIC not only provides a wealth of venues and advanced equipment but also offers a variety of unique sports fitness elective courses. The mixture of Chinese and Western sports events come together to help students showcase their talents. Already, UIC has 24 student sports clubs and 14 college teams, some of which have made their mark in competitions.


UIC Dragon and Lion Dance Team


Health Qigong Team

UIC’s Men’s Rugby Team, for one, won fourth place in Group A at the 2019 Chinese College Student Sevens Rugby Championship. In the previous year the Team was invited to Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK) for a sports and cultural exchange. Other star performers include the UIC Dragon Dance Lion Dance Team and the Health Qigong Team which have also won multiple awards in different competitions.


The Men's Rugby Teams of UIC and Northumbria University


(Republished from New Dimensions Issue 11)


Updated on 8 September 2020