There was a huge celebration on 10 September for Teacher’s Day Reception 2019 cum Presentation Ceremony for President’s Award. The awardee for this year’s President's Award for Teaching and Service for Academic Staff was Assistant Professor in the Division of Business and Management (DBM) and Programme Director for e-Business Management and Information Systems (EBIS), Dr Darren Weng Zhiquan.

Dr Darren Weng (left) receiving the President's Award from UIC President Tang Tao
Teacher’s Day is celebrated all over China every year as a mark of accolade to the role played by the teachers in the society. It is a special day to honour all staff at UIC and to show appreciation to faculty members. UIC hosted and arranged for a cocktail reception to thank faculty members for their contribution to the College and the society.

Vice President Prof Zhang Cong talking with UIC staff

Associate Vice President Prof George Wei engaging with UIC faculty members
The event began with a cocktail reception followed by the two MCs, DBM Lecturer, Ms Wang Jue and Division of Science and Technology (DST) Associate Professor, Dr Ivan Deng Yuhui welcoming everyone and introducing the UIC President Prof Tang Tao.

The reception at the ceremony was well received and praised

Ms Wang Jue (left) and Dr Deng Yuhui (right) were the MCs for the ceremony
President Tang said “At UIC, we have a philosophy of liberal arts education, student-oriented teaching methods and internationally qualified teaching resources. You have made my career as an educator and leader in education so much easier.”

President Tang addresses the audience
“I believe that UIC is the ideal place to realise one’s education aspiration, and I am sure you will feel the same way” continued President Tang as he addressed the audience.
Following President Tang’s speech was the acceptance speech by, Dr Darren Weng. He explained that since joining UIC, he has benefited tremendously in an environment of mutual support and collaboration in teaching. “I believe this award and the competition will help build an even stronger culture and an active platform for UIC colleagues to exchange their innovative ideas and share their positive experiences about teaching in future years to come.”

Dr Darren Weng giving his acceptance speech
Dr Weng later said “My experiences also reminded me of my hefty responsibilities as a UIC teacher. No matter what subjects you teach, we are in the trade of impacting people’s lives and shaping their future.”
Representatives from each Division introduced and welcome the new staff members to the stage. Dean of DBM Prof Stella Cho, Acting Dean of the Division of Culture and Creativity (DCC) Dr Jiang Wei, Associate Dean of DHSS Dr Charles Lowe and Dean of DST Prof Huang Huaxiong each took turns to introduce the new staff for their divisions respectively.

Prof Stella Cho introducing the new DBM faculty members

DBM's new faculty members with Prof Stella Cho

Dr Jiang Wei welcomes the new DCC faculty members

New DCC faculty members and Dr Jiang Wei

Dr Charles Lowe introducing DHSS's new faculty members

New DHSS faculty members with Dr Charles Lowe

Prof Huang Huaxiong welcoming DST's newest faculty members

DST's newest faculty members with Prof Huang Huaxiong
The Director of the International Development Office (IDO) Dr Katharina Yu took to the stage to welcome and introduce the new foreign interns who have come from UIC's partner universities around the world.

Dr Katharina Yu welcomes the latest batch of foreign interns

New foreign interns with Dr Katharina Yu
The MCs welcomed and introduced the new staff for the English Language Centre (ELC) and the General Education Office (GEO).

New GEO and ELC faculty members
Reporter: Samuel Burgess
Photographer: Ivy Liao, Lauren Richardson
Editors: Deen He, Lauren Richardson
(from MPRO)