
Aberystwyth University to partner with UIC

Published on 27 March 2019

A delegation from Aberystwyth University that consisted of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor: Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences Prof Shen Qiang and the Director of International Office at Aberystwyth University Ms Ruth Owen Lewis visited UIC on 23 March. The purpose of this visit is to explore cooperation between Aberystwyth University and UIC.


The two parties will sign a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on academic programmes, joint research activities, doctoral student training and development, student exchange, articulation, progression and/or visiting programmes, as well as English language courses and more.

UIC’s Vice President (Academic Affairs), Prof Chen Zhi; Associate Vice President, Prof George Wei; Dean of the Division of Business and Management (DBM), Prof Stella Cho; Dean of the Division of Culture and Creativity (DCC), Prof Brian Clarke; as well as Prof Brian Clarke’s wife, Mrs Heledd Ann Hall, an alumna of Aberystwyth University; Assistant Dean of DCC Dr Jiang Wei; Director of International Development Office (IDO), Dr Katharina Yu; and Assistant Director of IDO, Ms Li Mei represented UIC as they met Aberystwyth University delegates at the Council Chamber.


(From left) Mrs Heledd Ann Hall, Dr Katharina Yu, Prof George Wei, Prof Shen Qiang, Prof Chen Zhi, Ms Ruth Owen Lewis, Prof Stella Cho, Ms Li Mei


An exchange of souvenirs

Founded in 1872, Aberystwyth University is the first University of Wales, and an important British University distinguished for its programmes of Agriculture and Forestry, Art and Design as well as Modern Languages.

Frederick Soddy, a Nobel Prize winner in 1921; Nigel Thrift, a geographer as well as former Vice-President of Warwick University, and Charles, Prince of Wales are all alumni of Aberystwyth University.

Aberystwyth University also takes the lead in terms of students’ satisfaction with courses and teaching among British Universities by being awarded gold in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) in 2018. TEF is a government assessment of the quality of undergraduate teaching for British universities.

Reporter/Photographer: Aria Wu
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He, Marissa Furney
(from MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020