The Secretary for Education of Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, visited UIC on 22 January to learn about the cooperation in higher education between mainland China and Hong Kong universities. He was accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Baptist University Council Mr Andrew Yao.

Kevin Yeung (middle) is shown around the Learning Resource Centre by UIC President Ng Ching-Fai (1st from left) and Deputy College Librarian Cham Fung Ying

Kevin Yeung talks to two UIC students who are preparing for Hong Kong CPA QP exams

Listening to a student performing guqin in the Yayue Hall
Mr Yeung’s visit featured talks with UIC staff, students and alumni, as well as tours of UIC’s facilities, including the studios of the Division of Culture and Creativity, the laboratory of the Division of Business and Management, the Food Safety Testing Centre as well as the Whole Person Education Experiential Learning Base.

A fresh graduate introduces his project of an AI robot that can help with LRC services

Another fresh graduate speaks of his Mobile Body 3D Construction Project

Posing for a picture with two students and an alumnus who just spoke of their life at UIC

Visiting the Cinema and Television facilities

Learning about the Food Safety Testing Centre

A tour of the University Hall

UIC Associate Vice President Prof Lilian Kwan introduces the e-learning classroom

Director of Media and Public Relations Office Chai Hi-Hing shows Kevin Yeung around the UIC gallery
Mr Yeung was impressed by the quality of UIC students. He commented that UIC distinguished itself from many universities by combining Hong Kong’s modern university system with education on traditional Chinese culture.

A tea gathering at the ceramics studio

Experiencing Shedao (Chinese archery)
He further praised that UIC is a representative example of educational collaboration between Hong Kong and mainland China. He believed that Hong Kong universities have a great deal to offer and participate in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

A discussion session with UIC staff

UIC's president-designate Prof Tang Tao (right) meets with Kevin Yeung and Andrew Yao (middle)

Reporter: Deen He
Photographers: Deen He, Ben Wen
Editor: Samuel Burgess
(from MPRO)