The 2018 UIC Student Organisations Inauguration Ceremony reviewed the achievements and set new goals for the semester at the Staff and Student Activities Centre (T4) on 26 September.

UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai encouraged all students to learn and grow in the ‘servant leadership’ pattern in his speech, adding that the student organisations should make full use of the resources on the new UIC campus.

All student leader representatives, including the 12th Executive Committee and Representative Council of Student Union in addition to the Academic Societies from all divisions and Interest Clubs made their vows. “I will faithfully execute and fulfil my obligation of UIC Student Organisations, and I will do the best of my ability, serve and contribute to the benefit of all members in the community of UIC.”

There was also the conferment ceremony for excellent Interest Clubs. President Ng and Vice President Prof Zhang Cong awarded the honours to the student leaders from 24 starred Interest Clubs.

Vice President Prof Zhang Cong present the awarded student leaders
The Improvement Awards for 2017-2018 were presented to five Interest Clubs by Associate Director of Student Affairs Office Mr Alexander Kwong as recognition to their effort in organising and helping UIC student affairs.

Hong Jiaming, President of the 12th Executive Committee of Student Union, delivered a speech on behalf of all student leaders. He talked about what the Student Union has achieved during the past year and reflected on their drawbacks.

Three student representatives from the Academic Society of the Food Science and Technology Programme, Jiang Lin, Huang Xin and Peng Anli, said that they indeed felt a sense of responsibility especially after the ceremony.
Reporters: Jiang Shunmei (JC, Y1), Liang Jianhao (IJ, Y4)
Photographers: Liang Jianhao, Ben Wen
Editors: Deen He, Samuel Burgess, Marissa Furney
(from MPRO)