
Foreign interns arrive for new semester

Published on 27 August 2018

UIC has become a little more international due to the arrival of 20 new foreign interns as well as eight returning foreign interns. Coming from the USA, Canada, and the UK, these interns intend to spend the next two semesters working at UIC.

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Foreign interns at the orientation

Interns will be working throughout campus in various departments, with the majority helping out in the English Language Centre (ELC). Interns will also be taking Chinese courses through the Chinese Language and Culture Centre (CLC), and look forward to practising their Chinese.

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Dr Katharina Yu explaining about life in UIC

The new interns come from a variety of different universities from the USA, Canada and the UK, including Saint Mary’s University, Swansea University, University of Westminster, The College of St. Scholastica, Augsburg University, Bethany Lutheran College, Gustavus Adolphus College as well as Concordia College.

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Ms Angela Liu introducing the different Chinese language classes

On 21 August, the interns were given an orientation after settling in. The Director of the International Development Office (IDO), Dr Katharina Yu, began the orientation with a brief presentation, introducing the interns to live at UIC as well as tips for living in Zhuhai.

Afterwards, Chinese Language and Culture (CLC) Instructor, Ms Angela Liu, talked about the courses offered by CLC and also provided a very basic introduction to Chinese language. Returning foreign interns Jamie Siemsen and Tyler Austin gave a session to share their experience in China last year. They spoke about possible "culture shocks" that new interns may encounter as well as things that were different than what they were used to back home.

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Returning interns Tyler Austin (left) and Jamie Seimsen talking about their experience at UIC last year

ELC foreign intern, Jamie Siemsen, who has come back for a second year explained that “UIC gave me the opportunity to gain experience working closely with students while obtaining leadership skills in and out of the classroom. I decided to return for a second year as an ELC intern because I wanted to have the chance to further these skills in preparation for graduate-level study, and UIC provided exactly that opportunity. I volunteered to work with IDO in helping newly hired interns prepare for and adjust to life in China because I want future interns at UIC to get just as much out of this experience as I have"

She continued "From my experience at UIC, I have gained independence, confidence, new friendships, teaching experience, and have also had the chance to experience a new culture and learn a new language. It’s been a life-changing opportunity that has allowed me to grow and seek a brighter future.”

New DHSS foreign intern, Rowan McCaffery, who was previously an exchange student at UIC in 2017, was extremely keen to come back. She explained how she really enjoyed herself during her time as an exchange student at UIC. “UIC made me really confident” she explained when mentioning that coming to China was her first real test for travelling abroad alone.

When Rowan went back to Swansea she worked in her University’s international department office to help Chinese students arriving, which made her miss China even more. Rowan kept in touch with IDO’s Katharina Yu and kept following up about internships at UIC and when the opportunity arose, she applied straight away. She is very happy to be back at UIC and looks forward to the coming year.

Reporter/Photographer: Samuel Burgess
Editor: Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to the ELC)




Updated on 8 September 2020