
DHSS showcases student achievements

Published on 14 May 2018

On 9 May, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) held an exhibition to showcase some of their best student works. These works included Final Year Projects (FYPs) as well as award winning projects submitted by students.



The event began with opening remarks given by the Dean of DHSS, Prof Meihwa Sung, who shared that of the 291 DHSS Final Year Projects, there were 74 on display at the exhibition.


President of UIC, Prof Ng Ching-Fai, congratulated the Public Relations and Advertising (PRA), Social Work and Social Administration (SWSA) as well as Government and International Relations (GIR) students who had won awards for their work. He spoke highly of all the DHSS students showcasing their work, commending them on their vast and diverse abilities.


Next, three student representatives came to the stage to talk about their experiences of working on their FYPs. The first student to speak was Year Four Contemporary English Language and Literature (CELL) student, Yao Yutong. Her FYP was titled ‘From Mulberry and Peach to Everything I Never Told You: The Transformation of Chinese-origin Women Immigrants’ Self-Identification’. In her research, Yutong analysed the two books ‘Mulberry and Peach’ and ‘Everything I Never Told You’, which were both stories of immigration from the perspective of different Chinese women.


The second student to speak was International degree seeking student, Arizton Pamplona, who discussed what it was like to work on his project titled ‘Asia’s Double Burden of Malnutrition: Economic Origins and Implications’. Arizton’s project was the only one to be selected from GIR for this event.


The last student to speak was Year Four PRA student, Feng Bei. Bei, along with her classmate, Year Four PRA student, Han Yu, did their FYP on ‘Jibai Tea Fun in Life Integrated Marketing Communication Plan’.


After the speakers, there was a piano and guqin performance, before audience members were able to walk around and look at students’ poster presentations, and ask the students questions about their work.


Some topics were popular with audience members, including Year Four International Journalism (IJ) student, Jiang Yilang’s, topic of ‘Leftover Men in Modern China’. Yilang chose to do her research on this topic after learning about how for every 100 Chinese women, there are 136 Chinese men. Based on how Chinese society viewed certain traits, she grouped the leftover men into two different categories. The first category was for the less desirable men, which she called ‘diaosi’ while the second category was for ‘high quality males’, which were the more desirable. Yilang interviewed several men that fell into one of the two categories, and was able to attribute certain qualities that would determine which category the men fell in. She concluded that the ‘high quality males’ were more likely to have a Bachelor’s degree, have a higher income, and be better at socializing and maintaining relationships.

Another Year Four IJ student, Feng Tongtong, also interested in the topic of gender in China, did her research on ‘Gender Games – Online abuse of Female Gamers’. Tongtong chose this topic because she is a gamer herself, and has experienced online abuse, including name-calling, when other gamers find out she is a female. She predicted that there will continue to be a growth in the number of female gamers, and hopes that the abuse can subside as female players becomes more normalized.

Year Four Applied Translation Studies (ATS) student, Bu Jiahua, did his research on ‘A Case Study of Idioms in Movie Series Diehard and Their Translations in Mainland China and Hong Kong’. He remarked, “I had met a lot of difficulties while working on my FYP. I want to thank my supervisor who helped me a lot. She enlightened me by suggesting some articles and discussing different ideas with me, helping me to open my mind. Her help was very constructive.”

ATSApplied Translation Studies (ATS) students receive their certificates

CELLContemporary English Language and Literature (CELL) students receive their certificates

TESLTeaching English as a Second Language (TESL) students receive their certificates

GIRGovernment and International Relations (GIR) student, Arizton Pamplona, receives his certificate

SWSASocial Work and Social Administration (SWSA) students receive their certificates

IJInternational Journalism (IJ) students receive their certificates

PRAPublic Relations and Advertising (PRA) students receive their certificates

awardsStudents who participated in various competitions and received awards receive recognition

Students, staff and faculty attended the exhibition and enjoyed learning about the different types of research students were working on. Year One GIR student, Wang Yunfan, was one of the exhibition visitors. He commented that he attended to learn more about the FYPs, and wanted to get to know what kind of projects were selected as the best in order to help prepare him for when he has to complete his own FYP. James said that “This exhibition gave us a chance to get to know the best FYPs and learn from older students, which encourages me to work harder.”

Reporter: Li Dandan (Y1, IJ), Samantha Burns (MPRO)
Photographer: Liang Jianhao (Y3, IJ)
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He
(from MPRO)

Updated on 8 September 2020