
Fruitful visit from Trinity University

Published on 7 March 2018

From 1 March until 3 March, two members of Trinity University came to UIC. The main objectives of this visit is to explore further fields of cooperation and strengthen the ties between Trinity University and UIC, which began at the MoU signing between the two institutions during the International Liberal Arts Forum in November 2017.

(From left) Dr Katharina Yu, Dr Katsuo Nishikawa, Prof Stephen Field, Dr Wei Jiang and Prof Stella Cho

The visiting Trinity University members were Lead Professor of Chinese and Director of the East Program of the Center for International Engagement, Prof Stephen Field, and Director of the Center for International Engagement, Dr Katsuo Nishikawa.


Dr Katsuo Nishikawa and Prof Stephen Field being shown the new laboratories by the Programme Director of Environmental Science, Dr Donald Lee

After exploring the brand-new campus and visiting the new laboratories in the Division of Science and Technology (DST), the Division of Business and Management (DBM) as well as the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS), they also visited the Yayue hall and enjoyed a student performance.

20180302 161918

20180302 163005A tour of the Yayue hall

During their visit, Prof Field and Dr Nishikawa met with Associate Vice President, Prof Lilian Kwan; the Dean of DBM, Prof Stella Cho; the Dean of DHSS, Prof Mei-hwa Sung; the Dean of DST, Prof Stephen Chung; and the Acting Assistant Dean of the Division of Culture and Creativity (DCC), Dr Jiang Wei.

Since 2016, both institutions co-taught the BIOL 132 Ecology and Bio-conservation of China programme, which has been organised extremely successfully. Faculty and students from both institutions have been very fond of this innovative and inspiring programme. In a meeting between Prof Chung, Programme Director of ENVS, Dr Donald Lee, and DST Associate Professor, Dr Siutai Tsim, future development of the programme was discussed in-depth, as well as the improvements on UIC’s campus.

(From left) Ms Jessica Xiao, Ms Li Mei, Dr Katharina Yu, Dr Donald Lee, Prof Stephen Field, Prof Stephen Chung, Dr Katsuo Nishikawa, Dr Siutai Tsim

Furthermore, there were a series of very fruitful meetings involving DST Associate Professor and Director of Whole Person Education Office (WPEO), Dr Guo Haipeng, as well as colleagues from the International Development Office (IDO).

Reporters: Jessica Xiao (IDO), Samuel Burgess (IDO)
Photographer: Jessica Xiao (IDO)
Editors: Deen He (MPRO), Samantha Burns (MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020