
DBM showcases student and faculty work

Published on 12 December 2017

On 5 December, the Division of Business and Management (DBM) hosted the opening ceremony of the 2017 Student Final Year Project and Faculty Research Paper Exhibition to join in celebrating the new campus inauguration. This exhibition showcases 25 final year projects of 2017 graduates as well as 15 DBM faculty research papers.

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The opening ceremony was held in the Administration Building, with UIC President, Prof Ng Ching-Fai, and Dean of DBM, Prof Stella Cho, beginning the opening ceremony with speeches.

Prof Ng said the work shown had left him extremely impressed. He praised DBM faculty, saying “Our professors focus on sharing their knowledge and experience to generations of young people, and I appreciate them with all my heart.”

Prof Cho stated that this exhibition’s purpose is to showcase the success of students and staff by sharing their projects and research. Some of the research displayed in this exhibition had already been published in international top journals. Prof Cho expressed the hope that the achievements made by DBM’s teachers and students could further encourage students in the future.

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This exhibition will remain up and available for viewing in the Lobby of the Administration Building until 16 December.

Reporter: Li Dandan (Year 1, IJ)
Photographer: Ivy Liao
Editors: Samantha Burns, Samuel Burgess

Updated on 8 September 2020