
In celebration of new campus inauguration

Published on 14 December 2017

On 9 December, UIC officially celebrated the inauguration of the new campus with a series of events and activities to welcome the start of a new era, new campus, and new journey.

These significant events included the inauguration ceremonies of the new campus, the Research Institute for Dissemination of Chinese Culture, the New QP Resource Centre, the CEFC Building, and the Graduate School.   

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Inauguration: On the road

The Inauguration Ceremony began at 6:00 p.m. with a dramatic and spectacular performance from UIC’s Dragon and Lion Dance Team. Two lions danced on stage in sync with video effects displayed on the large screen behind them. After their impressive performance, the Council and Court Chairman of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) as well as a member of the UIC Council, Mr Yan-kee Cheng gave a speech, commending UIC on their hard work over the past 12 years, and their successfully innovative teaching style.

One of the hosts of the Inauguration Ceremony was a 2013 UIC PRA Alumna, and the Macao representative for the 2017 Miss World Competition, Ms Lan Wanling. After Mr Yan-kee’s speech, a letter was presented, hand-delivered over the audience by a drone, and airdropped to Ms Lan to be read for the audience. The letter was written by a student and addressed to UIC President, Ng Ching-Fai. It detailed the student’s time at UIC, and the student remarked that “UIC education has always encouraged us to have the courage to question, to act and to change.” The student wrote that UIC had changed them in so many positive ways and that they were glad they chose to attend, and grow with UIC.

Once the student’s letter was read out, Prof Ng took to the stage to give his own speech. He mentioned that he was touched by the student’s letter, and talked about how UIC has found a place in the hearts of everyone who has been involved with its development over the past 12 years. He said that he was proud of the new campus, and discussed how it is greatly improved over the old one, with improved buildings and halls, as well as new performance theatres and facilities. Prof Ng added, “In the joy, we cannot forget that we are still on the road”, and encouraged everyone to continue their efforts and hard work to continue making UIC the best first-class liberal arts college it can be.

After Prof Ng’s moving speech, key stakeholders in the new campus, including Prof Ng himself, gathered on stage to touch the screen in unison, symbolizing that the new campus had officially been inaugurated.

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Celebration Soiree

The audience was energized after such a dynamic show, and was excited to head into the University Hall for the Celebration Soiree. This evening show aimed at celebrating the completion and expressing the feeling of “Grow with UIC”. The show started with hosts, ELC Lecturer, Ian Liu, Director of IDO, Katharina Yu and a Year Four Finance student, Liu Xiaochen, expressing a warm welcome to the audience.

The performance began with compositions performed by the UIC orchestra and songs performed by the UIC choir. Then there was a musical drama called “Flying High” written, performed and produced by UIC staff members and students based on real experience of UIC students.

The audience also enjoyed taking part in the event. During the Latin dance performance which finished the night, many audience members took part in the dancing.

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Research Institute for Dissemination of Chinese Culture

The entire day of 9 December was filled with activities organized to celebrate the inauguration of the new campus. To start the day, The Chinese Language and Culture Centre (CLC) held an Inauguration Ceremony for their newly established Research Institute for Dissemination of Chinese Culture (RIDCC).

The guests hit a large drum three times and the gate of the RIDCC officially opened. They were then invited to watch performances of the Four Arts of the Chinese Scholar, including qin (a seven-string instrument), qi (the strategy game of Go), shu (Chinese calligraphy) and hua (Chinese painting). In addition, renowned scholar Prof Chen Guying gave a talk on Lao Tzu’s thoughts in a CLC Distinguished Scholar’s Lecture. Artists Ms Sun Ping and Mr Ye Jinsen also performed Peking Opera in the afternoon.

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New QP Resource Centre

The New Campus Inauguration Celebration included the opening ceremony of the Division of Business and Management’s (DBM) New QP (Qualification Programme) Resource Centre, which is sponsored by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). The new QP Resource Centre is located in the T1 building.

Two student MCs introduced honourable guests in attendance before introducing Prof Ng Ching-Fai. He then gave a speech where he explained that since its inception in 2012, the QP Resource Centre has been providing various resources and support to those students who wish to explore the accounting profession. HKICPA President, Ms Mabel Chan, gave a speech after Prof Ng, speaking about how the QP signifies the commitment HKICPA has made in its partnership with UIC. After the speeches, a student discussed his own experience studying QP. Other honourable guests in attendance included the UIC Vice Presidents, Prof Zee Sze-Yong and Prof Zhang Cong, the Dean of DBM, Prof Stella Cho, HKICPA Vice Presidents, Mr Patrick Law and Mr Eric Tong, as well as HKICPA Chief Executive, Mr Raphael Ding.

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Luncheon forum on Greater Bay Area

A luncheon forum was held on inauguration day, organized by DBM with the theme “New Business Opportunities and Challenges Arising from the Emerging Growth of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”. Approximately 200 guests attended the luncheon. The first speaker was the Director of Financial Service Bureau of the Hengqin New Area, Mr Chi Tenghui, who spoke about ‘The Hengqin Financial Development Opportunities Arising from the GBA’. The second keynote speaker was a partner in Corporate Finance and the PwC China Corporate Finance Leader, Mr Gabriel Wong. His talk was titled ‘GBA: The Land of Development’.

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CEFC Building Unveiling Ceremony

A highlight of the day included the CEFC Building Unveiling Ceremony, which was organized by the Four-Point Education Coordination Office. UIC named T8 the ‘CEFC Building’ in honour of the support for the new campus construction received from the CEFC Shanghai Charity Fund. Right before this unveiling ceremony, a mini homecoming day was held for UIC alumni, who visited the new campus and witnessed the completion of the Alumni Wall.

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Graduate School Inauguration Ceremony

UIC also officially launched the Graduate School in the afternoon. Four research postgraduate programmes leading to MPhil and PhD qualifications in 2017/18 are offered: Biology, Chemistry, Statistics, and Computer Science and Technology.

In June 2016, UIC was given official approval from the Ministry of Education to offer postgraduate education through both research postgraduate and taught postgraduate programmes. Students will be awarded degrees from HKBU upon fulfilling all the requirements.

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Press Conference

Journalists from outside media outlets were invited to the Press Conference for UIC New Campus Inauguration Celebration. Prof Ng Ching-Fai, Prof Zee Sze Yong and Director of the Media and Public Relations Office, Mr Chai Hi Hing, took questions from the journalists, which focused on future development trends at UIC.

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It was a successful and enjoyable day for all, signifying the start of a new chapter for UIC. With the official launch of the Graduate School and the Research Institute for Dissemination of Chinese Culture, UIC is already making strides forward for growth in many new and exciting directions.

Reporters: Samantha Burns, Samuel Burgess, Deen He, Weng Yanrong (Y1, EPIN)
Photographers: Ivy Liao, Yang Qihui (Y1, AE)
(from MPRO)

Updated on 8 September 2020