
UIC signs MoU with Trinity University

Published on 21 November 2017

On 15 November, UIC broadened its international reach by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Agreement with Trinity University, USA.

AgreementProf Ng and Prof Anderson sign the MoU agreement

This is a first step to further develop collaboration opportunities between the two schools in the area of research and teaching as well as student exchange. Trinity University was one of the visiting schools during the 2017 International Liberal Arts Forum, with the Memorandum being signed on the last day of the forum. Present to sign the Memorandum was Trinity University President, Professor Danny J Anderson, who then shook hands with President of UIC, Prof Ng Ching-Fai to start the official partnership between schools. 

2Q2A1079(From left to right) Trinity Trustee, Oliver Lee, UIC President, Prof Ng, Trinity University President, Prof Anderson, Vice President of UIC, Prof Sze Yong Zee

Prior to this, Trinity University and UIC had partnered together for several short study programmes, including two summer programmes at UIC that focused on the ecology and bio-conservation of China. Several UIC students also previously had the opportunity to complete research and studies at Trinity University. This memorandum will encourage further collaborations and programmes.

Reporter: Samantha Burns
Photographers: Samantha Burns, Ivy Liao
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He

Updated on 8 September 2020