
Science week showcases DST programmes

Published on 1 December 2017

From November 27 to 29, the Division of Science and Technology (DST) hosted several events around campus to celebrate the new campus inauguration as well as introduce the university community to the various programmes offered through DST.

openingScience week starts off with Psychology Day

The week kicked off with an opening ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, followed by the first programme to be showcased, which was Applied Psychology for their Psychology Day. Psychology students and staff worked very hard to put together the event, showcasing many different branches of psychology. Attendees could take part in many different games and activities to help them learn more about psychology. From a fake crime scene to selective attention games and technical testing equipment, it was a well-rounded walk through of what kinds of careers and futures that psychology students could have. Attendees could gain a clear understanding of what psychology was all about, and got to chat with students. The department also hosted a relaxation competition, where competitors needed to stay still for the longest, while being hooked up to bio-feedback instruments. There was something for everyone at this event, with at least several hundred staff and students passing by to check it out.

opening2President Ng Ching-Fai speaks at the opening ceremony


psych2The 'Psy Test' station is popular among students

A Year Four Applied Psychology student, Doozy Dong, was a volunteer for psychology day, and said that the goal of the event was to teach attendees how to apply psychology in their daily lives. She saw a lot of people visit and enjoy the event, stating that the abnormal psychology station where students could do quizzes about their mental health was especially popular with students.

A Year One Psychology student, Derrick Huang was leading a game where students had to focus on one task, and still remember primary information they were given. This experiment tested students’ selective attention abilities, which falls under the umbrella of cognitive psychology. Derrick chose to study psychology at UIC because he has an interest in it, especially the fields of abnormal and behavioural psychology. 

psych1Students get to test out lie detector equipment

psych3Students play a selective attention game

psych5Competitors try to stay relaxed the longest

On Tuesday, the Computer and Data Science (CDS) Carnival was held in the Staff and Student Activities Centre (SSAC). Students volunteered to show attendees what their programme was all about, with the most popular activities being the Virtual Reality (VR) glasses, and the 3D printer from the campus’ 3D Printing lab. According to a Year Two student from CDS ,Wang Anbo, who was one of the organisers of the event, “This carnival is aimed at spreading knowledge of computer science and giving students an opportunity to use advanced computer technology.” “It was amazing.” A Year One student from Business Administration (BA), Zhai Xiaotong said after he played the VR games, “I was most impressed by the skiing game. It was very exciting and I felt like I was in the real world. The vivid scene and sound gave me an entirely new experience.”

cds1Students try out VR technology

cds2CDS students showcase their dancing robot

A Year Three CDS student, Raquelle Li ,  was one of the leaders in planning the CDS carnival, and said it took a little over a month to plan this event. Raquelle said she saw about 300 students attend their event. Raquelle decided to study CDS because she enjoys programming and has always been interested in the inside of computers.

The carnival also displayed some works of CDS students, like a dancing robot, “This robot was programmed by our own students. We provide different forms of dancing composition for the robots and it can dance with the music.” Anbo said.  In the afternoon, CDS students also offered various lectures on the topics of software and information security.

cds3Students try out the 3D printing pen

cds4CDS students present short lectures

Wednesday was a busy day with the Environmental Science Laboratories Open Day, as well as the Food Science Technology (FST) programme hosting ‘A Sweet Toast to UIC New Campus’. The Environmental Science Programme decided to open up the labs on the 6th floor of T8 for staff and students to come and learn about environmental science. Attendees were greeted at the entrance with a piece of paper instructing them to collect stamps by visiting various labs. If they collected enough stamps, attendees could collect a free plant on their way out.

Thanks to the new campus, environmental science students and staff now have more room to conduct experiments and do research, with more spacious labs. There was an abundance of research on display, and students could ask questions to find out more and earn their stamps to win a plant to take home. There were also games and experiments for students to take part in, such as guessing which beverage had the highest pH level and using lab equipment to test their hypothesis.

envr1Students learn about current research

envr2Students listen to poster presentations

envr3Students examine samples in the lab

envr4Once several stamps are collected, students can collect a plant on their way out

A Year One Environmental Science student, Richard Li, estimated that at least 500 students visited the labs, many excited by the prospect to get to see and try out the various lab equipment on display. Richard said that students were able to learn more about pollution and environmental protection by visiting the labs during this event. Richard said that, “In UIC, we have a beautiful campus, but we still have a lot of smog, so we should plant a lot of trees, and try to take care of the environment on our campus”. When asked what individual students can do to try to help the environment, Richard suggested that they should try to throw their garbage in the proper trash cans to keep the campus clean. Richard said he chose to study environmental science because “The environment is for all people, and if we destroy the environment, we cannot live. We need to protect it”.

envr5Students try a pH experiment with popular beverages

envr6Volunteers give out stamps to attendees

envr7Those who collected the most stamps can redeem larger plants

The FST programme hosted the most delicious event of the week by offering ice-cream tasting and a chocolate station where students could choose flavour combinations to make their own chocolate. Students chose from interesting flavours like basil, chilli powder, Chinese five spice, bacon bits, and more to add to their chocolate. Members of FST were also available to educate and answer questions about food science technology.

A Year One FST student, Xin Yuwi, explained that they prepared the food materials for two weeks, and were happy to see the event was a huge success with lines of students waiting to make chocolate and taste the ice-cream.

fst1The FST event is located outside

fst2Student volunteers from FST make custom chocolate

fst3Students can choose from a variety of interesting flavours to add to their chocolate

A FST Teaching Assistant, Mandy Wang, who was in charge of the event, said they organized their event in order to help people learn about the FST programme. “Food Science is about the secrets of food products, the science of food, the nutrition and if it is healthy or not.” said Mandy. She said at least several hundred people stopped by the event, which was located two floors down from the Environmental Science Laboratories Open Day, allowing many students to learn about the two programmes in one location.

The UIC New Campus Inauguration Celebration Science Week was a great success, allowing the university community to learn more about all of the science programmes offered and the excellent resources and equipment available to students in the programmes.

Reporters: Samantha Burns (MPRO), Weng Yanrong (Y1, EPIN), Li Dandan (Y1, IJ)
Photographers: Ivy Liao, Samantha Burns, Li Dandan (Y1, IJ)
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He

Updated on 8 September 2020