
HKBU conducts 6th Institutional Review of UIC

Published on 20 March 2017


The 6th Institutional Review of UIC looked into the progress of UIC’s new campus construction and teaching quality assurance between 15 and 17 March. The college’s research, academic activities, study experience enhancement, and internationalisation were also key points that the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) panel focused on.

UIC summited an elaborate self-evaluation report and supplemental materials before the panel members met with senior management of UIC. UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai gave an introduction of the college’s status quo, particularly in respect to the construction of the new campus, enhancement of teaching and research, future challenges, as well as opportunities.


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Panel members have meetings with the four divisions 


Then 11 meetings were held with deans, programme directors, directors of teaching centres, teachers, in addition to representatives from academic support units, students, alumni, and external stakeholders. The panel also paid visits to the facilities of the existing campus, new cultural village and new campus.






Dr Albert Chau, HKBU Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) was the chairman of the panel. Members included Prof Rick Wong, Vice-President (Research and Development); Prof Huang Yu, Associate Vice-President (China); Prof Ricky Wong, Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning); Dr So Kwok Sang, Academic Registrar; Dr Eva Wong, Director of Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning; Prof Terry Yip, from the Department of English Language and Literature; and Dr Joshua Ko, Associate Professor of the School of Chinese Medicine. In addition, Dr Peter Morgan, Associate Dean of Degree Programmes as well as Director of Teaching and Learning of Nottingham University Business School China, and Prof Chang Chia Jen, Head of the Department of Public Affairs and Civic Education at National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, served as external members.

On the afternoon of 17 March, Dr Albert Chau summarised preliminary views on this Institution Review. The panel will provide a written report before UIC responds and further improves itself.

Meeting with students

Panel members meet representatives from divisional advisory committees and industrial partners 


Reporter: Yvette Zhang (ATS, Year 3)
Photographer: Zheng Jinglin (CCM, Year 4), Lancy Zhang
Editor: Deen He, Samuel Burgess
(from MPRO)



Updated on 8 September 2020