
UIC launches magazine New Dimensions

Published on 29 November 2016

The Media and Public Relations Office (MPRO) released the first issue of UIC magazine New Dimensions at the launching ceremony on 28 November.

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New Dimensions presents the college‘s latest achievements in the areas of teaching, learning, research, and its engagement with society. The unveiling of the magazine symbolises a new chapter of UIC’s periodicals, according to UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai. In his address, he continued that a liberal arts education could add diversity to China’s tertiary education and open up new dimensions within this landscape.

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Uncovering the first issue of New Dimensions are Prof Ng Ching-Fai (2nd from l), President; Lilian Li (3rd from l), Assistant to President and Director of Secretarial Office; Dr Mona Sun (1st from l), Assistant Professor of the International Journalism Programme, and Chai Hi-Hing, Director of MPRO

Another speaker, Director of MPRO Chai Hi-Hing, called for support from students and staff to share their stories which he believed would help the college towards “new dimensions.” In addition to the UIC magazine, their stories can be told and shared on the college website as well as various social media channels.

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Staff and students read the magazine and the back issues of college periodicals

This magazine evolved from UIC’s first periodical First Step in Four, which was released in 2006 by MPRO, and English newsletter for staff UIC Beacon, which was first issued in 2013.

Mr Chai presented bound periodicals of the back issues of First Step in Four and UIC Beacon as well as the launching issue of New Dimensions to Deputy College Librarian of the Learning Resource Centre, Ms Cham Fung Ying, for preservation.

magalaunching 5Director of MPRO Chai Hi-Hing hands the back issues of First Step in Four and UIC Beacon as well as the launching issue of New Dimensions to Deputy College Librarian of the Learning Resource Centre, Ms Cham Fung Ying

An exhibition of UIC’s past periodicals, "Towards New Dimensions", also started on that day.

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(To download the original PDF file of New Dimensions, please click here.  To view an online version, please click here.)

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The magazine now can be found on the campus


Reporter: Zhang Fan (ELLS, Year 1)
Photographer: Liang Jianhao (IJ, Year 2), Lancy Zhang,
Zhou Chunmei, Wang Xiaopeng
Editor: Deen He, Samuel Burguess
(from MPRO)

Updated on 8 September 2020