UIC has received 22 foreign interns to work in various departments, with 16 new ones and six extending their stay.
These expatriates come from UIC’s partner institutions in the US and Canada. After arriving, they were shown around the campus and led to meet their supervisors in the departments such as the English Language Centre, the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, that of Science and Technology, and the Learning Resource Centre.
One of the arrangements aimed at reducing their possible anxiety and help them assimilate to a new culture was Chinese language and culture classes, offered by the Chinese Language and Culture Centre.
Helping the interns quickly settle down, the International Development Office held a welcoming lunch on 29 August. UIC Vice President Professor Zee Sze Yong encouraged the young international interns to explore Zhuhai and China during his speech. He mentioned that learning and experiencing Chinese culture would give them a new perspective on analysing China’s developments.
Reporter/Photographer: Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to the ELC)