
Hundreds hike to celebrate UIC’s tenth anniversary

Published on 15 May 2015

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UIC commenced its tenth anniversary celebration with students, alumni and staff’s hours of hiking on 13 May.

Over 700 people were divided up into groups and sent on three different routes where the final destination was the student’s residency that is known as the “New Cultural Village”, which is situated next to the waiting-to-be-built new campus site.

Some groups hiked along a green lane, while others climbed over the mountains between the two campus sites, and one group reached the summit of the nearby Mount Phoenix.

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Sent on different routes, hundreds of students, alumni, teachers and staff members go hiking to commence UIC's tenth anniversary celebration 

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Participants celebrate when they get close to the destination 

According to UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai, what they did symbolised UIC’s arduous efforts to develop in the past ten years, and met the theme of this special celebration, “Innovate, Progress, Excel.”

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Before setting off, UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai (4th L) presents flags to group representatives  

Prof Ng Ching-Fai bangs the ceremonial gong to announce the start of the celebration

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Amid the joyful atmosphere, participants are ready to start hiking 

Many alumni returned to the college on this day from other places including Guangzhou and even Canada, to witness their alma mater walking to a new horizon.

Food Science and Technology alumnus Chi Jiuxiang who graduated in 2012, talked about how the kick-off ceremony reminded him of the good old days when studying at UIC. “I feel very proud seeing my alma mater developing step-by-step. I hope that UIC will make a more glorious progress in the next ten years,” he added.

Established in 2005, UIC was the first full-scale cooperation in higher education between Mainland China and Hong Kong. It enrolled only 274 students in the first academic year, but has now 5000 undergraduates and six cohorts of graduates.

UIC has been adhering to the historical mission of advancing the internationalisation of Chinese higher education and taking the lead in implementing liberal arts education within Mainland China.

In the New Cultural Village, Vice President Prof Zhang Cong (2nd R) and the parent from Tangshan, Hebei Province, who won a people’s choice award at the UIC Tenth Anniversary Logo and Slogan Design Competition

Granted a plot of land by the Zhuhai government, UIC will create a new campus. The new campus and its adjacent area will be built into a university town, to take a more active role in Zhuhai’s economic and cultural development.

Secretary for Education of Hong Kong Eddie Ng believed UIC’s education in mainland China is “a success” after he completed a two-day visit to UIC the other day.

Reporter: Deen He
Photographers: Lin Miao (IJ, Year 2), Irene Yu, Simon Liu, Cheryl Chen, Jack Xiao, Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to Samuel Burgess)

Updated on 8 September 2020