
University of Alberta students relish study programme at UIC

Published on 19 May 2015

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A study group of students and teachers from the University of Alberta has completed a fortnight short-term study programme at UIC.

Since they arrived in Zhuhai on 26 April, They have been introduced to Chinese culture, politics as well as taking the opportunity to learn the Chinese language. All of these experiences were to help the students fulfil their course programme on understanding China back in Canada.

In addition to experiencing Chinese traditional culture through lessons on calligraphy, tai chi, dragon and lion dance, they also attended various classes to learn Chinese language, economics, politics, and the nature and urbanisation of Zhuhai.

“Having professors in China to teach students in English gives them many perspectives,” said Jérôme Melançon, a teacher and the leader of the Canadian group.

The study group also visited local companies, Qi’ao Island Mangrove Provincial Nature Reserve, the Sun Yat-sen Museum, the Hengqin New District administrative committee plus other places.

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Canadian visitors learn Chinese language  "You are very beautiful," reads a student's calligraphy work

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Playing drums, an important element of lion dance   A visit to a local manufacturing company

“We had lessons at UIC as well as these visits but we also mingled with students,” Jérôme added. “Within this short period of time students have learned a lot about China and simple Chinese.”

He continued: “This group had no previous knowledge of China. So we got to relate in economics and politics not based on books or the account of others but on their own real experience.

“Another thing that is really good about this programme is student helpers from UIC came with us on our trips and our students got the sense of what life is really like in China by talking to them and comparing their own life with life here.

“I think it would be difficult to offer what we’ve offered without the support from UIC’s International Development Office and from the student helpers. We had a chance to visit the party school in Zhuhai, which most Chinese people don’t do, let alone foreigners.

“Students had low expectation about China because they’d heard so much about its problems. This changes their perspectives, opens their minds and lets them see that China has so many opportunities to offer. They will be more receptive when learning about the rest of China as well.”

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Dr Katharina Yu (L), Director of UIC's International Development Office, presents a certificate of completion to a student from the University of Alberta 

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The Canadian visitors and IDO staff 

Amongst the 13 visitors, Kaylyn Juchli is a second year student studying Human Ecology. She mentioned that she enjoyed meeting new people in China, and appreciated the new things she saw in comparison with what she had expected in Canada.

“I was expecting China to be a bit smaller with more people, but Zhuhai is a really nice city. People are so welcoming and accommodating,” she said.

Another two students, Wayne Fiddler and Bhavjot Garcha, revealed that they were very interested in becoming exchange students and coming to UIC next academic year.


Reporter: Vianne Wang (CCM, Year 4)
Photographers: Zhou Zhixuan (IJ, Year 1), Xu Xinyuan (IJ, Year 1), Deen He, Vianne Wang 
Editor: Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to Samuel Burgess)

Updated on 8 September 2020