Hundreds of UIC staff had an annual party at the Greenwood Gourmet at the cultural village on March 17.
Prof. Ng gave openning remarks
A delicious buffet was offered, and many teachers and staff gave talent shows. Gifts were sent by several rounds of lucky draws.

UIC president Prof. Ng Chingfai gave opening remarks. Prof Ng thanked all UIC staff for their hard work and expressed his kind wishes.

Song of WPEO
A staff working at Student Affairs Office said he like the working enviroentment at UIC: the staff here are united. There is some pressure but not too much. He said he was looking forward to work harder in the future to build UIC together with everybody.

Prof. Kwok communicating with teaching staffs
The Annual Party was coorganized by HR office, the Art & Development Centre of Whole Person Education Office, and Intergrated Service Office.

"We got the presents"
Reporter: Huang Shanqing
Photos: Yu Zizheng
Editor: Richard Xu