UIC Whole Person Education Concept is now widely recognized in the society. As part of the Whole Person Education, voluntary service and its various practices draw intense attention from the media. The Whole Person Education Qinghai-Tibet Trip this summer was reported in series by Zhuhai TV, and also attracted attention from zhdxs.com, a website for college students in Zhuhai. Recently, Guangming Daily also expressed to UIC their intention of producing a series of in-depth reports about UIC voluntary service.
Since the trip to Qinghai and Tibet, zhdxs.com has been constantly focusing in voluntary service activities at UIC. The website also supports the “Junior Mentor” training plan bring forth by Prof. Kwok Siu Tong, Executive Vice President of UIC. The idea of “Junior Mentor” was originated from the concept of “servant leadership”, meaning the value of a leader is reflected by the service he provides. The “Junior Mentor” plan has attracted 300 students. They shouldered important responsibility in the new student orientation this year, helping new students to better and sooner adjust to the new college environment and study by providing service, giving guidance and helping with the communication. The college wanted to choose part of the students through the plan to take more training and become Junior Mentors to assist in the Mentor Caring Program. The Junior Mentors will also participate in the construction of the college and develop their ability in various aspects.
Mr. Lai, CEO of zhdxs.com said, ”The volunteer spirit that UIC calls for reflects the traditional virtues of the Chinese Nation, making a definite contrast to the now prevailing utilitarianism in the society. It’s worth learning from by college students.” In order to promote the volunteer spirit, zhdxs.com set up a UIC column to report the voluntary service and the student society recruitment exhibition at UIC during the new student orientation period.
Emily Wu/ Christy Zhao
Publicity & Media