
HKBU Institutional Visit

Published on 14 June 2007


The Hong Kong Baptist University Institutional Visit was carried out on June 9, 2007. A panel of 12 examiners had a detail on-site review and evaluation to the quality of teaching, research and governance at UIC. The Panel was chaired by Prof. Tsoi Ah Chung, Vice President, Research and Institutional Advancement, HKBU. Other members included Prof. Ng Qing Fai, President and Vice Chancellor, HKBU, Prof. Franklin Luk, Vice President, Academic, HKBU, Prof. Frank Fu, Associate Vice President, HKBU, and directors from Academic Registrar and different schools of HKBU.

(The Panel Toured around the Campus)

UIC has established a whole quality assurance mechanism to ensure its operation and performance reach a high quality standard. The mechanism is composed of quality assurance institutions, teaching quality evaluation and faculty qualification appraisal. The HKBU Institutional Visit is one of the most important parts in the whole mechanism. The panel will visit UIC periodically to carry out evaluations according to HKBU academic and governance standard to ensure that UIC maintains this quality standard in its operation. The panel will also provide suggestions on future improvements.

(The penal discussed with UIC representatives on Teaching)

In the morning of June 9, Prof. Kwok Siu Tong, Executive Vice President of UIC delivered a report to the Panel on curriculum design and teaching quality at UIC. The panel then had a discussion on the report with Prof. Kwok and members of the UIC Academic Registrar Committee.

(Chairman of the Panel Prof. Tsoi Ah Chung spoke at the meeting)

In order to further examine the teaching quality of UIC, the panel had a group interview with student representatives in the afternoon to talk with them about their study and living status. They also listened carefully to the students’ suggestions on college teaching and governance.

(The Panel and Student Representatives)

The panel also had meetings with directors from different academic divisions and administrative departments to have an overall view of the research, teaching and governance at UIC so as to have an objective evaluation.

After a day’s examination and review, the Penal gave a positive comment on UIC’s achievement in research and teaching. According to the reality at UIC, the penal had finished a draft report on holistic development of teaching quality, which UIC will respond to later. The final version of the report will be submitted to the Quality Assurance Committee.

(The Penal and the Top Executives of UIC)

Report by: Emily Wu/ Christy Zhao
Photo by: Elaine Hong
Development & Public Relations Office


Updated on 8 September 2020