
26 October 2006, International Staffs from University of South Australia visited UIC

Published on 1 November 2006


On 26th October 2006, three visitors, Business Development Manager of Division of IT, Engineering and the Environment Mr. Juris Wulfius, International Marketing Manager of Division of Business Ms. Sally Kok and Regional Manager of UniSA International Ms. Nerida Ewart, visited UIC.

After the campus tour, all of the visitors gathered in a meeting room. Prof. Hockings, Acting Dean& Humanities & Social Sciences and Professor of Anthropology, briefly introduced the background, educational approach and Whole Person Education approach at UIC. A video which was made by CCTV 4 and recording UIC's growth was played to give the visitors a better understanding of our College. Videos about students' life and in particular the Experiential Training Programme were also played at the meeting. This record of students’ life deeply impressed the visitors.

After Prof. Hockings’ presentation, Mr. Juris Wulfius gave a brief introduction of University of South Australia. He described the location, division, teaching and research of the University.

When Mr. Juris Wulfius finished his introduction, the three visitors, Prof. Hockings and Ms. Anna LI, Deputy Director of International Affairs Section of UIC, discussed the possibility of establishing relationship between the two institutes. They exchanged gifts afterward.


Updated on 8 September 2020