
[People of UIC] Meet Dong Liming: The Adonis of UIC

Published on 18 October 2019

Dong Liming, who is also known by his English name Greg, is seen as a future Adonis as he takes his personal life incredibly serious. When the Year 3 Data Science student is not in class or studying, he won’t be found wasting his time playing video games or playing mah-jong, he will be found in the gym perfecting his physique. With biceps and abs to spare, Liming excels in the art of fitness and diet.

Dong Liming

He came to UIC as he was attracted by the college’s liberal arts educational model as well as the English language learning environment that is offered. The atmosphere and the whole person education helps cultivate the students with a broad understanding as well as encouraging them to try other activities, which has led to Liming pursuing fitness in his spare time.

As one of the leaders of the UIC’s Fitness Club, Liming offers top professional advice as a certified personal trainer, so all members of this group are learning from someone who has recognised expertise in this field.

Liming (top left) with the UIC Fitness Club

Liming chose his major because he believes big data plays a massive part in our daily lives and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future that will be built around data.

Consuming five to six meals a day, Liming has disciplined himself and placed himself on a strict routine which is not always convenient but must be implemented to ensure that he gets the nutrients and protein he needs to build muscle and maintain his appearance. Mostly consuming lean meats like chicken, with rice and vegetables that he prepares and cooks himself, Liming researches and finds out how to get the most out of what he eats while avoiding oily foods.

Every part of Liming’s personal life involves fitness in some way or form, as he also runs his own Men's Physique club, where he recruits members from UIC. Men's physique is a relatively new category in the bodybuilding/physique competition world in which contestants perform quarter turns wearing board shorts, and are judged based upon muscularity, body conditioning, symmetry, and stage presence. Liming has also visited the International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBB) gym in Shanghai.

Liming (right) at an IFBB gym in Shanghai

Liming explains how he teaches members and monitors their performances ranging from demonstrating what exercises would benefit them as well as what type of foods they should be consuming.

Not only is Liming a certified personal trainer, but he also has a referee card to officiate powerlifting competitions. It is obvious that Liming has a passion for anything fitness and sculpturing his body and as a result, he gets himself in as many things as he can during his free time.

Liming (left) with an IFBB professional

The US is another part of Liming’s future as he desires to pursue further studies overseas and with his interest in American food and culture, it makes common sense to head across the pacific. Burger King is his favourite place for foods during his one ‘cheat’ day of the week where he doesn’t have to consume such a strict and healthy diet.

If you have the interest to get into fitness, you can reach out to Liming, who you will mostly find sculpting his physique, pumping iron or training the next Hercules in UIC’s gymnasium on a regular basis.

Reporter/Photographer: Samuel Burgess
Editors: Deen He, Lauren Richardson
(from MPRO)


Updated on 22 December 2020
学生姓名1 Dong Liming 学生姓名2