1) To staff:
In view of the evolving situation and to safeguard the campus, all staff members are required to present a negative 24-hour valid COVID-19 test result done in Zhuhai/Zhongshan when entering the campus, starting from 0:00 am on 21st November (Monday). This measure will be effective for 5 days.
Teaching staff will accordingly conduct teaching online if fail to present a negative 24-hour valid COVID-19 test result, and teaching staff concerned should keep students informed via Ispace etc. Meanwhile, administrative staff should report to Unit Heads and arrange for leave or working from home.
Human Resources Office
2) To staff:
In view of the fluid situation and direction of CDC, starting from 21st November, all staff members from Sanxiang and Tanzhou of Zhongshan are suspended from entering the campus. Staff members concerned are to work from home and this measure will be effective for 3 days.
For staff members who are suspended on entry, they are encouraged to have the COVID-19 test done at the community centre. Meanwhile, for those who have travelling history to Zhongshan recently, they should have 3 tests done within 3 days.
Human Resources Office
3) To students:
从11月21日0时起,所有符合返校要求的同学入校前均须在企业微信完成返校申请和每日健康打卡(Health Report),审批通过后须凭24小时内核酸阴性证明方可入校,时间暂定五天。同学可通过(企业微信-工作台-防疫小助手)查看最新返校要求。
如11月21日因无法提供24小时内核酸阴性证明未能入校的同学,请通过MIS Survey(https://mis.uic.edu.cn/survey/login.jsp)进行临时网课登记,登记信息将转发相关部门跟进。