“….From the camera obscura in the era dominated by painters to the photography in the 19th century, people have been trying to capture the chemical reactions of different “lights”.….. Such fission process has not only greatly extended the boundaries of photography concept, but has also gradually infiltrated the construction of other media forms and modern life and turned into an aesthetic experience for sharing and exchange.” (Guangzhou Image Triennial 2017, From Photo to Image)
MAD-ON/ From-Picture-To-Image Exhibition is representing the work-in-progress art (~ 500 pieces of drawings/ photos/ mixeds) from some students of “MAD1003 Studio Art Practices: Drawing Fundamentals” & “MAD3003 Photography” in UICDCCMAD. The both course students experiment various kinds of artistic representation from Pencil-Charcoal-Pastel-Acrylic-Photograph-Collage-Mix-media-Digital-media to create their artworks on questioning classics “Rhetoric of the Image” (Bathes, 1964) of the “Image as a Sign” to “Images as Institutional Theory” (Dickie, 1974). Thus, both drawing and photography students can eventually portray the internal or the imagined at first glance to the philosophical thoughts. The “From Picture-To-Image” exhibited are well illustrated the participating students’ enthusiasm and dynamisms on art and design via mutually expressing/ visualizing/ contextualizing their creative-conceptual-artistic presentations. During their artistic process, they need to discover/ document/ develop/ review one artistic style in their art work.
The Opening Performance and visual dialogues will be created by the artist Franky Wong, choreographer from Hong Kong, that “From Picture-To-Image-To-Moves” is conception in devising a transformational-transitional process to contribute the body as aesthetic potency (Carvalho et al, 2018). The body moves also allows possible relations in-between a field of sensitive potentialities and contemporary art. Eventually congruences/ similarities/ thematics (as Poetics of the Body) will initiate any open discussions in the field of aesthetic experiences.
Exhibition Title: MAD-On/ From-Picture-To-Image
Venue: Creative Cultural Clusters/ Other DCC Open Spaces
Exhibition Date: 8am-10pm 5-26 May 2021
Opening Reception at 3pm 5 May 2021 (with light refreshment)