[People of UIC] Meet Jacob Algrim: A passion for teaching, languages an...
[People of UIC] Alumni work for top tech companies in China
[People of UIC] Meet Zhou Yuan: Chasing the cure for COVID-19
[People of UIC] Meet Prof Jia Weijia: Liberal arts can benefit research
[People of UIC] Meet John Gardiner: Being part of the UIC community
[People of UIC] Meet Zhao Qianxin: Finding her passion in university
[People of UIC] Meet Jacob Algrim: A passion for teaching, languages and cultures
[People of UIC] Alumni work for top tech companies in China
[People of UIC] Meet Zhou Yuan: Chasing the cure for COVID-19
[People of UIC] Meet Prof Jia Weijia: Liberal arts can benefit research
[People of UIC] Meet John Gardiner: Being part of the UIC community
[People of UIC] Meet Zhao Qianxin: Finding her passion in university