
破茧成长,追逐梦想 | 汤涛校长在新生开学典礼上的致辞

发布日期: 2023-09-11 打印












祝愿你们在发现自己、追逐梦想的路上,乘风破浪、扬帆远航,Grow with UIC!


Hello and welcome, class of 2023!

This year UIC is 18 years old. The Chinese believe that 18 is the age of maturity. Each year, it gets harder and harder to get into UIC. The admission standards to our university have been raised significantly for all provinces. For example, in Guangdong province, where records can be traced, for every 12 applicants to UIC, only one is accepted. UIC is not only getting bigger with a second new campus, it is getting better, known for giving its students a high-quality education. So, congratulations to you for being admitted into this fine liberal arts university.

Four years lie ahead of you. The personal challenge is how to make the best use of this golden period. A primary reason for your coming to university is to get to know yourself, find out what your real interests are and what you are really good at. It is a fascinating process of self-discovery.

How do you navigate this process? You navigate it by reaching out to your peers and your professors, both local and foreign. You navigate it by learning to work with your peers in teams, testing your leadership, organizational and communication skills.

Studying in university is an important experience in life. Taste and take everything UIC has to offer. I understand that there are some 80 clubs and student bodies that you can join, from sporting clubs to musical groups and even clubs where you learn to start and run a business. Even in the dormitory, you have the chance to meet students from different disciplines and different years. You can reach out and make friends and learn to do things together. However, you need to balance your time for your clubs, your social activities and your academic study.

UIC is well-equipped in recreational facilities, with a complete sports center and a modern outdoor sports field. During your four year UIC study, I hope you can spare some time for physical exercises on a regular basis, as a good health is important for your quality study and life.

The idea behind a liberal arts university is a well-rounded education where you cultivate a critical and creative mind in a healthy body. So is the ability to use language for effective communication. As you know, our teaching language is English, but we stress our students’ bilingual ability and bicultural character, as communicative competence is a must in the modern society.

A university education is a privilege. And those who enjoy this privilege are expected to give back to society through community service, another feature of UIC’s liberal arts education.

So, at the end of four years, you should gain more than just your degree or diploma. You should be in possession of practical skills, with ability to solve problems, ability to get along with people, and a curiosity about the world around you. In the age of Artificial Intelligence, creativity is your calling card. It will determine your ultimate achievement. You must be smarter than the machines that may replace you.

I wish you success in discovering yourself and chasing your dream.

Once again, welcome to UIC. Thank you all.
