


发布日期: 2023-06-30 打印

Face the unknown with courage and empathy

Welcome to the 15th Graduation Ceremony of the BNU-HKBU United International College. I am delighted to be here in person finally, after three years of the pandemic, to congratulate you and your families on this important day. The pandemic has presented you with many challenges over the past several years, but your talents and perseverance, combined with the care and support of your families, friends and UIC faculty members, have brought you to graduation today. As we celebrate your remarkable achievements during your time at UIC, I encourage you to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped you along the way and made your achievements possible.

The past few years were not easy for you or the world. But difficult times also brought out the best in us. Many around the world are now sharing and working together to support those recovering physically, mentally or emotionally from the pandemic. The sharing of knowledge, compassion and creativity that has emerged has helped us face and overcome the challenges together. I ask you to cherish these memories, no matter where you end up in the future. These collective memories and experiences are proof that we are stronger and more resilient than we think. When self-doubt casts its dark shadow, or you feel overwhelmed by the new challenges that lie ahead, remember that you can triumph over the toughest obstacles. You have already shown the strength of your character by fighting the pandemic while juggling your studies at the same time. The lessons you have learned will help you go far.

As the pandemic wanes, new challenges have emerged. The latest AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are incredibly powerful, and they are already revolutionising the way society works. With technology advancing at the speed of light, the knowledge you have acquired – or even the technical skills you learn today – may be obsolete tomorrow. Some have even begun to question what education will look like in the future. As educators, it is our duty to equip you with the attributes you need to thrive in this brave new world, and help you find your place in the new frontier where no one has gone before.

During your days at UIC, you may have already seen how technology has been used to enrich your education. At HKBU, our scholars have been making breakthroughs in merging arts and technology to make the impossible possible. For example, with the development of the “Future Cinema Systems” project, we are creating new immersive and artistic experiences and building the classrooms of the future to nurture the next generation of talent. The “Building Platform Technologies for Symbiotic Creativity” project has vividly shown us a whole new world where human-AI collaboration is taking us, and how human and AI ingenuity complement each other to create something extraordinary and moving.

These are only some examples of how we leverage the advanced technology to unlock new possibilities and build a better future for the world.

I’d like to share two points with you. First, if you look beyond the technology, you can’t help but marvel at the ingenious human designs behind the scenes. Some will resist the technology, but instead of fearing and banning it, we should embrace it. Thus, I encourage you to consider the pros and cons of AI with an open mind.

Now, more than ever, is the time to use the critical thinking skills you have learned at UIC to do your own research and come to your own conclusions about what you believe in. Technology is a double-edged sword. It makes our daily lives easier and more efficient. But there can also be potential downsides if technology is misused. Instead of fearing technological progress, we should embrace it and use it constructively for everyone’s benefit. I hope that the past four years of transdisciplinary education at UIC have impressed upon you the importance of keeping an open mind, especially when faced with something new. Make informed decisions, and above all, have the courage to stand by your convictions. If you can do this with empathy and grace, while remaining cool and calm in the process, then we know we have done our job well.

This brings me to my second point. Even today, the ability to empathise, or to put ourselves in someone’s shoes, is still a uniquely human trait that distinguishes us from AI. Let’s take today’s graduation ceremony as an example. Some of you may be crying with joy in your seats. AI algorithms may notice this based on visual cues, but can they accurately infer the reason and meaning behind the tears? Are they tears of joy that you have finally made it to graduation? Or are they tears of melancholy because you are leaving a comfort zone and entering uncharted territory? It takes empathetic listening and a good deal of sensitivity and tact, or to put it simply, a good dose of humanity, to decipher these subtle clues. Count your blessings that you have been educated in this great institution, where understanding humanity is an eternal quest, and caring for humanity is fundamental to our educational ethos. Embrace these uniquely human traits, and together with all the lessons you have learned over the past few years, they will take you far.

As you move into a new chapter of your life, you will find yourself at crossroads from time to time. Remind yourself that you have the resilience, the skills and the right attitude to overcome whatever challenges you face. Remember that in the most difficult moments of the pandemic, you demonstrated the will to learn and grow. You have learned what is most precious to you and what to hold on to: health, family, friendships, love and hope. You have also learned that the spirit of caring, cooperation and creativity has helped us overcome one of the greatest challenges of the past decades. And now, with your mind and heart in the right place, you are ready for the future and ready for your next journey.

Finally, remember that the world is your canvas, the brushes are the people in your life, and the paints are the choices you make. Paint your own masterpiece! With these words, I wish you all the best and I look forward to hearing your achievements in the years to come.

Thank you.
