UIC exchange student, Sean Feeney, who is originally a finance and computer science major at Concordia College in Minnesota, US, got the pleasure to interview UIC President Tang Tao on 15 March.

Sean (left) interviewing President Tang
The name of the podcast that Sean operates is called the Offutt School of Business (OSB) podcast. Sean uses this podcast to interview people who are influencers in society and wants to get to know what led them onto their path to success. Using the special sound recording studios at UIC, Sean conducted the 30 minute interview with President Tang, where he asked questions regarding his background, research and his position.
President Tang spoke about the changes in maths over the years. He also discussed about some of his collaborations as well as explaining how some of his students have gone on to be successful domestically and internationally. President Tang highlights how he likes teaching and finds it very enjoyable.
“I was interested in interviewing President Tang, because he is the president and leader of a university in China. I was curious to know how he is learning in his new role and what steps he took in his career to be in a position such as the president of UIC,” Sean said.

Sean with President Tang
Sean was also interested in how President Tang will direct the future vision of UIC as the first liberal arts college of its kind in China. “It was exciting to meet President Tang. UIC is in good hands. I look forward to future collaborations between our schools."
Reporter/Photographer: Samuel Burgess
Editors: Deen He, Marissa Furney
(from MPRO)