
President Tang Tao inspires students at first lecture

Published on 2 April 2019

UIC’s President Professor Tang Tao, presented his first lecture at UIC on 27 March. Themed on modern education and patriotism, the lecture gave students the opportunity to interact with their new President face to face for the first time.

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Professor Tang Tao sharing his views on Chinese modern education

In his lecture, Prof Tang reviewed the history of modern Chinese education, from the founding of Imperial University of Peking (Peking University before May 1912) to the educational miracle created by the National Southwestern Associated University (a temporary university formed by Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University during the Second Sino-Japanese War). He also spoke of the predecessors who went abroad for study and then came back to help construct China, with which he combined his own study and life experience at home and abroad, and shared his views on Chinese modern education.

When talking about higher education, Prof Tang said UIC hopes to cultivate students’ talents for the country and for the world through liberal arts education. “The new era is an opportunity as well as a challenge,” he said.


Host of the lecture, Professor Wu Hongyu, Director of Chinese Language and Culture Centre

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Students at the lecture

Prof Tang also expressed his expectations for the students present at the end of the lecture: understand China's national conditions, have a global perspective, familiarise with international rules, and be proficient in foreign languages and international negotiations.

Year One Applied Economics student Li Zheyuan said he was inspired a lot by Prof Tang’s views that students should pursue comprehensive development at college, as well as integrate the development of oneself with that of society.

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Audience members participating in discussion

Whole Person Education Office (WPEO) facilitator Mr Andy Lin felt excited for this lecture, saying he had witnessed the teaching exploration and development of UIC for the past ten years. “UIC is going to show greater potential for having the unique advantages as the earliest higher education practice between the Mainland and Hong Kong.”

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Reporter: Serena Wang
Photographers: Ivy Liao, Liu Yuqin
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He, Marissa Furney
(from MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020