
Professor on antibiotics in China

Published on 12 March 2019

The General Education Office (GEO) held a guest lecture on 7 March featuring Associate Professor of Health Service at the School of Management, Hainan Medical University, Professor Zhou Hong.

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Professor Zhou Hong

The Director of GEO, Professor Mildred Yang and GEO Associate Professor, Dr Nazrul Islam, welcomed Prof Zhou and encouraged audience discussion with the topic of medicine.

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Prof Zhou graduated from Heidelberg University, Germany, where she studied Medicine and Chinese Medicine and received her Master's in Community Health and Health Management. She has volunteered and collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a visiting scholar in the School of Public Health, UCLA, USA. Her research focuses on Health Policy and Management, and Health Technology Assessment and has published book chapters and journal articles on Hospital Management and Health Policies, and Health Economics.

Prof Zhou began her lecture discussing the importance of antibiotics. She talked about incidents involving patients in regards to both antibiotic medicine treatment or patients who had an infection before and during their stay at the hospital. This opened up the discussion for overall hospital management.

She explained about the study of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and how this can affect future medication and overall medical advancements. Once certain bacteria and viruses become resistant to antibiotics, this could result in some treatments to be ineffective.

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Prof Yang encouraged students to ask questions


Students asking questions

Students asked about the international effects and about the difference between Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

Reporter: Marissa Furney
Photographs supplied by GEO
Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He


Updated on 8 September 2020