
‘Become global citizens’ – President inspires freshmen

Published on 29 August 2018

20180828 freshmen inauguration 8

“We prepare our graduates to become ‘global citizens’ who are proud of their Chinese history and heritage,” said UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai to over 1700 new students, who were officially welcomed at inauguration ceremonies on 28 August.

In this very first class of university, the freshmen listened to Prof Ng saying: “Today UIC is renowned for its unique education model of combining the best of both worlds, the West and the East. We hope that our students are well versed with traditional Chinese Wisdom and yet knowledgeable in modern physical, social or management sciences.”

20180828 freshmen inauguration 5UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai encourages students to become global citizens

20180828 freshmen inauguration 11Chanting the UIC anthem

20180828 freshmen inauguration 6

Following Prof Ng’s speech, Vice President (Academic) designate Prof Chen Zhi delivered his first address to UIC students. He told them that “A shift of mind-set from passive learning to an active sense of curiosity, from taking things for granted to taking initiative, and from being indifferent to having an inquisitive mind is and will be a must at this stage of your life.”

20180828 freshmen inauguration 9
Vice President (Academic) designate Prof Chen Zhi

Vice President (Student Affairs) Prof Zhang Cong then encouraged the young people to “Choose your direction wisely and prove that this will be a joyful journey.”

Prof Zhang added, “Start here in UIC and make a difference of your own life and the lives of others.”

20180828 freshmen inauguration 10Vice President (Student Affairs) Prof Zhang Cong gives a speech to the freshmen

20180828 freshmen inauguration 7The inauguration ceremonies are held in the Sports Complex

Accounting student as well as Student representative, Zheng Yining, gave her first speech to a large crowd. She praised UIC as her dream school, excited about “The holistic education concept, the international vision, the English teaching environment, and the variety of activities.”

20180828 freshmen inauguration 4Accounting student Zheng Yining is glad to be a student of her "dream school"

Also at the inauguration ceremonies a record-breaking 41 UIC registered students were awarded Full Entrance Scholarship.

20180828 freshmen inauguration 12President Ng Ching-Fai presents Full Entrance Scholarship

20180828 freshmen inauguration 1

20180828 freshmen inauguration 2

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Full Entrance Scholarship recipients:

No English Name Programme No English Name Programme No English Name Programme
1 DING Yixin ACCT 15 WANG Yuchen STAT 29 LIN Xiang ACCT
2 GAO Yiwei ACCT 16 LI Jiatong ACCT 30 HU Mingxuan CDS
3 JIANG Wantong ACCT 17 JIN Yingying AE 31 FAN Yuning FM
4 XU Sixing ACCT 18 LUO Jingxuan BA18 32 WANG Jiaqi JC
5 XUE Ruiqi ACCT 19 ZHAO Ruixue BA18 33 YIN Jingnan ACCT
6 GE Juntong BA18 20 WU Zhirong BA18 34 LI Jiaxuan FLL
7 XIA Jingtong CDS 21 WANG Yixuan ACCT 35 WANG Ruocong FLL
8 DONG Rui FLL 22 ZHENG Yining ACCT 36 DU Yibing JC
9 MA Qianqi FLL 23 DING Shaochen BA18 37 GAO Yihui JC
10 MING Mei FM 24 HONG Jiarao CDS 38 JIANG Han JC
11 GE Jiaxin JC 25 JIN Kexin FM 39 JIN Langxu ACCT
12 WANG Geer JC 26 SUN Yongbo FM 40 WANG Zhuoyu JC
13 ZHANG Shihui JC 27 LI Songqiao ACCT 41 LIN Yanru JC
14 ZHOU Sitong JC 28 ZHANG Yancheng JC      


Reporter: Deen He
Photographers: Yao Zihong (FST Y2), Ivy Liao
Editor: Samuel Burgess
(from MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020