
New international students at UIC

Published on 4 September 2018

This semester has seen seven incoming exchange students and three international full-time degree seeking students welcomed by UIC. The incoming exchange students have arrived from colleges that are collaborative partners with UIC. These include the University of Seoul in South Korea and Lille Catholic University in France, as well as Hamline University, Hendrix College, Towson University and Westfield State University in the US.

Group photo of the exchange students

On 3 September, the exchange students and the international full-time degree seeking students were given their orientation, which had been organised by the International Development Office (IDO). Representatives from the Whole Person Education Office (WPEO), Academic Registry (AR), Information Technology Service Centre (ITSC) and the Student Affairs Office (SAO) provided an introduction and informed the international students what they can expect at UIC.

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WPEO and SAO giving presentations to the new exchange students

After the orientation, the students were given a tour around the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). To end the day, the students participated in a placement test to see what their level of the language is for when they start Chinese language study.

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The students being shown around the LRC

When Towson University exchange student, Ms Anh Ly Hunyh was asked why she chose to study at UIC, she replied “I’m half-Chinese and I never really knew that side of my family. When I was looking into colleges for study abroad programmes, I was looking if they had a film programme. I was looking at the two universities, and UIC was the one that had the programme”. She then revealed how she grew up watching Chinese and Hong Kong Cinema. Anh is in her final year studying Film and Television Production.

When full-time degree seeking student from the US, Mr Shenandoah Perry was asked why he chose UIC, he replied “My dad got a job here a couple of years ago and I was still getting home-schooled and when it came down for me to think about colleges, he suggested UIC”. He went on to say that he is most looking forward to the experience because the US and China are exact opposites and there is so much to learn from the cultural differences. As of right now, he is unsure of his degree path, but is currently taking Government and International Relations courses.

The new international students will soon begin their classes so if you see them on campus, remember to say “Hello” and get to know them.

Reporters: Marissa Furney, Samuel Burgess
Photographers: Marissa Furney, Samuel Burgess, Ivy Liao
Editors: Deen He, Étienne Fermie
(from MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020