
Merging Music and Technology

Published on 19 March 2018

The Chair of the Music programme at the Yamanashi Gakuin University International College of Liberal Arts, Dr Alex Sigman, gave a lecture titled ‘Approaches to Interactive Media Composition and Performance’ on 7 March 2018.


The talk was held in the Music Recital Hall as a part of the Division of Culture and Creativity (DCC)’s Visiting Artist Series. The DCC Visiting Artist Series aims to provide an opportunity for all students to explore themes and trends in music, regardless of their major.

Dr Sigman discussed the incorporation of technology and music, and how it is playing a role in the future of music performances and research. He introduced historical and recent examples of works exhibiting this, including how light, image and movements play a role in musical performances. Using various technologies provided, audience members were able to try out these new ways of incorporating technology into musical performance.





A Year One student in Applied Economics, Hu Weina, really enjoyed the talk, saying “Although my major is not so relevant to art and music, I love learning about it. I am very glad that UIC offers the opportunity for students to learn more about a wide variety of topics through guest lectures like this one.”


DCC Associate Professor from the Musical Arts Programme, Dr Kris Ho, was the organizer of this lecture. She believed that students would benefit greatly hearing from Dr Sigman, particularly students who are interested in computer music, interactive visual-audio performance, media arts or AI research. “Today's musical performances are not simply instrumental or vocal performances with conventional instruments. Music has also been extended to allow technology to play a role in performance and research,” said Dr Ho. DCC's Musical Arts Programme wants to present opportunities for students who are interested in utilizing their musical knowledge to create interdisciplinary collaborations.  

Reporter: Li Dandan (Y1, IJ)
Photographer: Liu Yilun (Y1, IJ)  
Editors: Samantha Burns, Deen He

Updated on 8 September 2020