UIC feels a little more international this week with the arrival of 23 new foreign interns. Hailing from the USA, Canada and the UK, the interns are excited to spend the next 10 months working in Zhuhai.

Interns practice counting in Chinese
Interns will be working throughout campus in various departments, with the majority helping out in the English Language Centre (ELC). Interns will also be taking Chinese courses through the Chinese Language and Culture Centre (CLC), and look forward to practicing their Chinese.

Dr Jenny Cui teaches the new interns how to introduce themselves in Chinese
Our new interns come from a variety of different universities, which include Concordia College, The College of St. Scholastica, Hendrix College, Columbus State University, Lake Forest College, Swansea University, Gustavus Adophus College, University of Alberta, Augsburg University, Concordia University and Saint Mary’s University.

Dr Katharina Yu introduces the new interns to life in Zhuhai
After getting settled in, the interns were given an orientation on 1 September. The Director of the International Development Office (IDO), Dr Katharina Yu, started off the orientation with a brief presentation, introducing the interns to life in Zhuhai. After that, the interns were given an introductory Chinese lesson by Dr Jenny Cui of the CLC. Interns met their department heads for lunch, and then were given the next few days off to explore Zhuhai. Don't be afraid to say “Hello” if you see one of these new faces on campus!
Reporter: Samantha Burns
Photographer: Ivy Liao
Editor: Samuel Burgess
(from MPRO)