It was a day for the technology enthusiasts as well as innovative educators and learners. Exhibitors from various teaching and administrative units displayed their innovative e-learning applications at the UIC Gallery on the E-Learning Showcase Day on 25 May.
Crowds of viewers gave a thumbs up to what they saw and heard: Virtual Reality headsets and devices, powerful video platforms, multifunctional e-books and other novel digital solutions.

In the decorated booths, staff members actively present their e-learning solutions to spectators and judges
“Our colleagues are growing in their capacity in applying technology to the administration of their courses and for the enhancement of the teaching and learning process,” said Prof Lilian Kwan, Associate Vice President and Chairman of the E-Learning Sub-committee. She revealed UIC has implemented e-learning since the installation of the learning management system Moodle (iSpace) several years ago.
There were 20 exhibitors, including business partners, showing their projects, and concurrently 12 talks were given. The Best Exhibit Awards went to four winners: Fung Ying Cham (LRC), Chunyan Ji (DST-CST), Dr Yi-Lung Kuo (DST-APSY) and Dr Sheena Van Der Mark (DHSS-TESL).

The Best Exhibit Award winners are presented with a certificate and a gift card
Deputy College Librarian Ms Cham and her team presented two library e-resources: MyET, an English learning software, and ProQuest Research Companion, which helps with effective scholarly research. Chunyan Ji’s group introduced their new IT course design that utilised the online resource system both in and out of classroom. Dr Kuo gave colleagues tips on how to engage students in learning with online systems and multimedia, such as Blackboard Learn and WeChat. Dr Sheena Van Der Mark shared how she integrated videos to create a blended learning classroom.
Other exhibitors included DST-ENVS, DHSS-CFLC, DHSS-SWSA, DBM, WPEO, ELC, FPECO and the DST-HKBU CSD Joint Research Centre for Active Media Computing. Administrative units such as ITSC provided information on their support facilities for e-learning implementation.

UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai addressed the people present at the showcase day and said: “Unlike some of our colleagues who have silver threads, including myself, and are digital migrants at best, our students are digital natives. They are born with e-skill sets. Thus it seems very natural to try to design online teaching and learning activities to engage students in their learning.”
He believed this sharing of good practices was essential to encourage the “learning from one another” culture at the college.
“ITSC has witnessed the college’s e-learning progress,” Chief of ITSC Dr Ricky Hou spoke. “With e-learning becoming more and more popular among staff and students, ITSC will cooperate with other units and business partners to further the application of e-learning.”
This article is republished from MPRO's UIC Beacon Issue XX. To view an online version of the full newsletter, please click here (Wi-Fi network recommended); to download the original PDF file, please click here.