
Hong Kong UGC Quality Audit Report endorses UIC’s educational achievements

Published on 17 February 2016

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has developed mature teaching and learning approaches on a par with not only local and regional universities, but also many of the world’s universities, the Report of a Quality Audit of Hong Kong Baptist University reveals. Released on 15 February 2016 by the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Committee in Hong Kong, the Report commends that UIC “represents a very successful model developed [by HKBU] in partnership with a high status Mainland partner.” It also states that the Audit Panel has no reason to be concerned about the quality of the programmes delivered by UIC.

The Audit Panel finds that UIC is the result of a longstanding partnership with Beijing Normal University (BNU) to deliver HKBU liberal arts degrees in Mainland China. The college has experienced rapid growth while creating a unique type of college experience in the Mainland. It has a new campus under construction and expects to grow exponentially over the next few years both in programme offerings and student numbers.

The Report confirms that HKBU is keen to see this model as a platform for other collaborations and joint research/educational activities, believing that UIC alumni are likely to be future leaders in China and will be well-positioned to help the next generation of HKBU/UIC students.

The Audit Panel also makes comments and suggestions on HKBU’s quality assurance policy framework, operations as well as learning environment. It forms the view that HKBU as the degree-awarding body needs to assure itself of the broad equivalence of the academic standards of cognate degrees, whether delivered in Hong Kong or at other locations.

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The Audit Panel visits UIC on 16 May 2015

UIC President Professor Ng Ching-Fai says he is delighted to see HKBU, a parent university of UIC, recognised by the Audit Panel and he is encouraged that the Panel affirms UIC’s educational achievements. He adds that UIC will actively cooperate with HKBU to adopt the Panel’s advice and further fine-tune the quality assurance practices.

Over the past ten years UIC has run good practices in providing undergraduate education and has laid a sturdy foundation for future development, President Ng continues. With the strong support of the Zhuhai government, UIC is now building a new campus and applying for the offerings of graduate programmes. Also UIC has established a new division and will offer new undergraduate programmes. The college will strengthen collaboration with its parent institutions HKBU and BNU.

During the visit to UIC on 16 May 2015, the Audit Panel met UIC’s President, senior managers, deans, programme directors, senior staff with responsibility for quality assurance, academic managers, teaching staff, academic support staff and students.

(from MPRO)

Updated on 8 September 2020