
Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl presented a romantic night of classical music

Published on 4 November 2015

On the evening of 28 October, UIC held the 10th Anniversary Concert Series that was given the name “Zhu Dan in Recital with Oliver Triendl, Piano”. The concert attracted a vast audience of over 200.

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The hall was jam packed

Before the concert, President Ng Ching-Fai delivered a speech to thank Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl for participating in the concert. He also praised the efforts and talent of student performers.

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President Ng delievers a speech before the concert

The concert was divided into two parts. The first half started promisingly when four student performers gave an opening show for Violin and Viola. Following the students’ performance was Sonata in E-flat Major Op.18 played by Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl, which immediately spiced up the concert.

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The student performers

During the interval, a Year One student from Public Relations and Advertising Programme Duo Ri’na, was quoted as saying “I went to this concert not only for relaxation, but also for appreciating the music because I’m really interested in the classical style.”

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Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl stealing the show

During the second half, Carmen Fantasie After Bizet’s Opera played by Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl undoubtedly pushed the performance to the next level. The sensational performance by Zhu Dan and Oliver Triendl charmed their audiences deeply and they won a rapturous and long ovation.

“I hope that you just keep doing it. During the concert, everyone was very focused on the music. Some students were also playing music in the concert. So as far as I can see, UIC has impressed me favourably. It’s amazing what you’re doing here, and I enjoy being here too,” said Oliver Triendl as he gave high praise to UIC. 

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A great turn out for an awesome performance

Reporter: Huang Jiaying (GIR, Year 1)
Photographer: Lu Yu (IJ, Year 2)
Editor: Samuel Burgess (MPRO)
(with special thanks to the ELC)








Updated on 8 September 2020