It seemed like our staff members were busy diving in the sea of research during the summer.
Dr Edoardo Monaco, Assistant Professor with GIR, DHSS, went to the Kingdom of Bhutan and conducted in-depth research. He visited various government agencies and research institutes to learn more about the implementation of the country’s unique policy, the “Gross National Happiness (GNH)”.
“While in the past I was mainly interested in the theoretical framework of GNH, the measuring mechanisms and its significance in connection with other alternative development paradigms. Now I am investigating how specific economic sectors, such as tourism and manufacturing, are run in compliance with the overarching GNH paradigm,” Dr Monaco explained.

Dr Edoardo Monaco (left)
Another GIR’s Assistant Professor, Dr Charles Chong-Han Wu, was invited to the American Political Science Association Annual Convention as a panel member between 3-6 September in San Francisco.
The American Political Science Association is the leading professional organisation for the study of political science and has more than 13,000 members in more than 80 countries. It was founded in 1903.

Dr Charles Wu (left)
Meanwhile, Mr Timothy Chen, Lecturer & Fieldwork Supervisor with SWSA, DHSS, attended the 5th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan on 27-29 May.
At the biennial event, Mr Chen presented two research projects: "How narrative practice informs service learning with love and justice", and "To create synergy in service-learning: a case study of campus-community partnership of voluntary service course of BNU-HKBU United International College (co-authored with Ms Katy Zhang, Facilitator II with WPEO)”.

Mr Timothy Chen (left)
At the 90th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association International (WEAI) in Hawaii from 28 June to 2 July, Dr Darren Weng, Assistant Professor with AE, DBM, spoke about his research, "Cold Money or Hot Surprise: A Real-Effort Experiment in Firm-Worker Reciprocity" where it was held in Hawaii. “The paper I presented was a human resource management research using experimental methods,” Dr Weng said.
The WEAI was founded in 1922 and it has committed itself to economic research and analysis ever since. Almost 1,800 economists from around the world are members of WEAI.
This article is republished from MPRO's UIC Beacon Issue XVII. To view an online version of the full newsletter, please click here (WiFi network recommended); to download the original PDF file, please click here.