
University of Westminster in cooperative talks with UIC

Published on 21 January 2015

UK visit 1
A delegation from the University of Westminster visited UIC to explore cooperation opportunities on 13 January. UIC President Prof Ng Ching-Fai (right) warmly welcomed the delegation and presented gifts to Prof Jon Pike, Director of the International Westminster Business School.

UK visit 2
Besides Prof Jon Pike, the delegation consisted of Prof Alexandra Hughes, Pro-Vice Chancellor; Prof David Dernie, Dean of Architecture and the Built Environment; Prof Barbara Allan, PVC and Dean of the Westminster Business School; Prof Kerstin Mey, Dean of Media, Art and Design; and Candy Han, Programme Manager from China office in Beijing.

UK visit 3
The delegates learned about the Learning Resource Centre from Ms Fung Ying Cham, Acting College Librarian, during a campus tour guided by Dr Katharina Yu, Director of International Development Office.

UK visit 4
The delegates showed a great interest in the shadow puppetry while visiting the Shadow Puppet Drama Pavilion.

Editor: Deen He
(from IDO, with special thanks to the ELC)

Updated on 8 September 2020