Dr Baojun Xu, Associate Professor of UIC’s Division of Science and Technology, as a corresponding author, has published a review paper titled An Insight into Anti-inflammatory Effects of Fungal Beta(β)-glucans in the well-known international journal Trends in Food Science & Technology.
This review paper discusses in vitro studies, animal studies and human studies of the anti-inflammatory effects of fungal β-glucans, as well as structural anti-inflammatory activity relationships.
It is believed to be very valuable for food scientists to study the anti-inflammatory effects of β-glucans.

Trends in Food Science & Technology is an official journal of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology, and the International Union of Food Science and Technology. Ranking fourth in the 123 international journals in the area of food science and technology, it is the only truly international peer-reviewed journal publishing critical reviews and viewpoints of current technology, food science and human nutrition.
The first author of the paper, associate research fellow Bin Du, is a PhD student of the UIC-HKBU Joint Institute of Research Studies. This project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province and an internal grant from UIC.
The paper is available online: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924224414001939
Editor: Deen He
(from DST, with special thanks to the ELC)