
Exotic experience: French Week at UIC

Published on 15 April 2014

Staff and Students enhanced their understanding of French culture in the event of a five-day French Week at UIC at the end of March, as 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France.

Various activities during the French Week were held, including a tea party with French exchange students, a photo exhibition, French film screenings, and a talk on French clothing.

Highlights comprised a relaxing and informative tea party where Lucie and Camille, exchange students from Lille Catholic University, and French lecturer Ms Sophie Dubois-Pepin joined UIC students in friendly conversations. Cultural differences in education, food, fashion and social interaction between Chinese and French were enthusiastically discussed.

法语老师Sophie 带小宝贝参加茶会    法国交换生畅谈在中国感受
Ms Sophie Dubois-Pepin with her baby, and French exchange students share their feelings of studying or teaching life at UIC

The presentation of French modern costume culture, given by Mr Andy Tam, Senior Lecturer with the Culture, Creativity and Management Programme, was also sought-after. He interpreted the costumes and paintings in some famous films and advertisements like Mona Lisa Smile and Time in the context of surrealism.

Mr Andy Tam introduces French clothing and its surrealist ideas

A photo exhibition displaying Sino-French history, art and literature expanded the audience’s knowledge of the relation between the two countries.

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Additionally, the higher education system and policies in France were introduced by Ms Ting Xie, Promotion Manager of Campus France Chine, Guangzhou Centre - a department of the Consulate General of France in Guangzhou. She said the Consulate General of France has prepared 50 scholarships for rewarding excellent Chinese undergraduates who intend to study in France, in honour of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Ms Xie also told that more than 800 courses in English are offered and hence proficiency in French is not always necessary.

TM截图20140401111804Ms Ting Xie speaks of the higher education system and policies in France

Reporters: Wang Naidan and Yuen Tak Hay
Photographers: Tong Haiyan, Wei Xiao, Zhang Yiguo and Irene Yu
Editor: Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to the ELC)

Updated on 8 September 2020