Nine exchange students from universities in France, Korea and the US have arrived in UIC for the new semester.
Together with two who have been studying here since last semester, UIC will have received 11 exchange students by springtime.

Some of the exchange students at UIC
This new intake of students received a three-day orientation from 10 to 12 February to gain a better understanding of UIC’s education philosophy and the teaching and administrative units.

Exchange students listen attentively during the orientation
Spencer Krischuk comes from UIC’s partner college, Concordia College in Minnesota. “I am double majoring in Chinese and International Business so I figured I might as well come to China again for my second overseas study,” he says.
He says the weather and atmosphere is a welcome change from where he goes to college in the US and that he expects to meet many great people and enjoy his time in UIC.
Editor: Deen He
(from IDO, with special thanks to the ELC)