
Go abroad: IDO offers new summer programmes

Published on 27 February 2014

UIC students will have three new choices of summer programmes in the Art Institute of Seattle (USA), ESADE Business School (Spain) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), announced Dr Katharina Yu, Acting Director of International Development Office (IDO).

Thus 14 options of summer programmes will be provided this year in universities from the UK, France, the US, Canada, Korea, New Zealand and other countries, she added.

IDOxuanjianghui1Dr Katharina Yu announces the new summer programmes

The Information Session on 19 February about the 2014 IDO Off-Campus Summer Programmes was attended by many students.

Assistant Director Ms Li Mei encouraged students to explore something new in their life. “Studying abroad can influence your way of thinking,” she said.

IDOxuanjianghui2Ms Li Mei tells how to apply for the summer programmes

Ten students who participated in previous programmes shared their stories.

Zhang Wenhui attended Kyung Hee University’s summer programme last year. She gave some tips of living in Korea, paying heed to the high living expenses and frequent rains in July.

Cheng Shuangyu showed pictures about the Saint Joseph’s College’s summer programme she attended. She established a memorable friendship then.

The programme offered by Taiwan Art University is the only Chinese speaking programme. Huang Shujie joined last year and lauded it for opening her eyes on the cultural and creative industry.

IDOxuanjianghui4 IDOxuanjianghui5
Students speak about their experiences in previous programmes


A full list of this year’s summer programmes and more details can be read here:

Reporter: Wang Naidan
Photographer: Fuyan Ruohan
Editor: Deen He
(from MPRO, with special thanks to the ELC)

Updated on 8 September 2020