
in pictures: WPE-Arts Centre Final Show & Exhibition

Published on 17 May 2012








TOP: tribute to King of Pop Michael Jackson, an ensemble choir performance of "We Are the World" and "Heal the World"



BOTTOM: salsa dancing










TOP LEFT: Zhijun Liao singing along with guitar solo
BOTTOM LEFT: student pianist in orchestra performance
RIGHT: solo singing Love Forever by Dr. Anthony Tsui
UIC orchestra band, conductor: Lai Ho Sang:


 drama class students staging improvised comedy on social justice

  Prof. Amy Seham appointed as Honorary Advisor of WPE-Arts Centre by President Ng



puppeteer presenting shadow puppet figures and perfoming shows to vistor:











Legend the Musical










photo:  Mei Chen, Zhixia Huang,
editor: Sze Ying Cheong
(from MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020