
HKBU Institutional Review Panel Visit to UIC

Published on 14 December 2011


The two-day HKBU Institutional Review Panel visit to UIC was concluded on December 2, 2011. Led by the Chairman, Prof. Frank Luk, Vice-President (Academic) of HKBU, the panel consisted of sixteen members, an increase of four members from last year.

Review Panel Meeting with UIC Senior Management

President Ng Ching Fai met all panel members and had lunch with them before giving them a brief presentation of UIC's latest development on behalf of the entire management team. After that the panel divided into separate groups meeting with management unit heads and heads of teaching units.

Panel Members Meeting with UIC Students

On the second day, panel members, again in different groups, met with academic staff from each division as well as section heads of administrative units. Student representatives and some recent graduates were also scheduled to talk to panel members about their personal experience at UIC.

Group photo of Review Panel, UIC President、Vice-Presidents and Division Deans

Formal papers in the form of Strategic Plan and Self-Assessment Report were submitted to the panel prior to the visit. Before the visitors depart for Hong Kong late in the afternoon on Dec. 2, President Ng, accompanied by the senior management group, got some initial feedback from Prof Luk and other panel members before bidding them goodbye. A full report will be prepared in due course and the next panel review will be in two years instead of 18 months.


Reporter: Areal Li
Photo: Areal Li, Liu Anming
Translator: Luo Jinni
Editor: Areal Li


Updated on 8 September 2020