UIC CTV Program held a Documentary Film Presentation Meeting on 25th at B101. Aiming at connecting CTV students with the industry, and offering opportunities for them to report their achievements to the documentary department of TV station, production companies and the like, CTV invited many famous guests from the media industry to the presentation, including Qin Qing, Feature Story Editor of Phoenix TV; Zeng Xiaowu, Vice-General Manager of ZHTV and a senior documentary director; Chen Kailin, Editor of Pearl River Movie Channel; Lu Zhixiong, News Director of Golf Channel Guangdong and Honorary Vice-President of Golf Media Association; Deng Kangyan, Chairman of Shenzhen Zhongyue Film Co., Ltd, etc. Associate Professor Nancy Ng, Programme Coordinator of CTV, hosted the meeting.
Student in Presenting |
The 13 proposals covered topics in social issues, controversial topics, vulnerable groups, disabled children, etc. They are the research outcomes of the CTV year-three students after one semester of investigation. The preproduction, preparation, shooting, and postproduction were all completed by the students. During the presentation, the students introduced the background, meaning, target media and audience.
Qin Qing, Feature Story Editor of Phoenix |
Films “Fragmentary Anthem”, “Sheep are coming”, “Indolence”, “Love without words”, “Stand up and go on” left a strong impression on the guests, who also applauded the application of animation to documentary in “Stand up and go on”. Many guests said they appreciated CTV’s effort in bringing students to industry and they were impressed by the creativity and open-minded production of our students.
Reporter and photo:Anny Wang
Translation and Editor: Echo Li, Richard Xu