UIC, July 5 — Professor Li Gang, Department of Biostatistics, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), visited UIC and gave a talk titled “A Path to UC, UCLA and Biostatistics”. He gave a general introduction to the education systems in the University of California and UCLA as well as the entry admission requirements and application procedure. The second part of Prof. Li’s talk gave a peek into the field of biostatistics in the perspective of a biostatistician. Prof. Li also discussed with the Statistics Division on the possibilities of co-operation between the two parties in the future.
The main research of Prof. Li is in the area of developing statistical methods for the analysis of clinical trials and epidemiologic studies in which the time to an event is a primary outcome. He has worked in nonparametric regression, model selection, nonparametric and semiparametric likelihood ratio based inference, two-sample problems, and bootstrap for censored, truncated, and biased data. Recently Prof. Li has been studying resampling methods in nonparametric censored regression. He has also been working on semiparametric estimation of survival probabilities for incomplete cross-sectional data which arise frequently in prevalent cohort studies.
Prof. Li is the Elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the Elected Member of International Statistical Institute. He is also a member of many organizations, such as ASA, IMS, ICSA, RSS and so on.
Prof. Li has published a lot of papers. He is the co-editor of “Contemporary Experimental Designs and Multivariate Analysis”. He is in the Editorial Board of “Journal of Bioinformatics: Theory & Application”. He is also the Program Chair of ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, 2003 and 2004, and will be the Program Chair of WNAR (International Biometrics Society, West North American Region) to the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings.
Homepage of Prof. Li
Prof. Li Gang, Department of Biostatistics, University of California at Los Angeles

Prof. Li Delivering a Talk “A Path to UC, UCLA and Biostatistics”